Emperor Spriggan

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"So mind telling me why are you guys still here?" I asked glaring at those damn hunters. I came down right after I put Erza back to bed and join the rest at the drawing room. Gajeel hitched wanting to start a fight, "YOu want me to knock you some sense?"

"Woah calm your horses Gajeel, I tell you what Jellal, how about we make truce for a while then once we finish our business we could just break off ties." said Laxus.

"I don't trust these guys. Who knows they might be up to something." said Natsu. "What's your motive of making truce with us?"

"We're here to capture back you know...Zeref. Our main price possession has run out thanks to some people who wreck our headquarters. We heard rumours that he has been returned here in Alvarez." Laxus explained. I sighed turning to Mavis who was sitting down quietly. "First things first, have you manage to contact your friend?" She shook her head, "No, I haven't gotten any of her replies. I have been searching through my phone all the time. Normally she would tell me but I feel something might have happen to her."

"Unless if we track down their location..." I said as everybody turned at me. "Their main base?" she said and I nodded. "Alvarez's main base. I have a feeling your friend and Lucy are trapped there."

"Tell me where's the base..." said Natsu. I sighed, "Calm down Natsu, we will find their base in no time. After all we might have to deal with certain powerful enemy, the Spriggan 12."

The hunters were grinning, "Spriggan 12 eh...this is our chance to shine as hunters. I'm sure our main boss will be proud of us, especially you Laxus." said Gajeel leaving Laxus sneered slightly. "So what do you say, you might need our help if there's too many for you three to handle." Geez I hate this guy here. It really drives me mad. I grinned back, "Fine if you insists, no holding back."

"Jellal?!? Are you serious?" said both Natsu and Gray. "Its just temporary, its not like we will be friends forever. Its just business."

They both sighed, "Fine." Gajeel cracked his knuckles, "Once we're done, I'll have my fun time smashing you to the ground salamander." Natsu grunted glaring at him, "Sure thing ironhead, you get to taste one of my fists."

"I hate to break it to you guys but we have more serious business here." said Gray coming in between them. Mavis gasped the moment she felt her phone vibrated. "It's Zera! She just texted me. She said sOS. Oh no she might be in trouble." I got up from my chair, "Let's head out then, we could ask the citizens of the base."

"Actually we already knew where their base is, its right over here in this map. Now be a good little pup and follow us." said Evergreen while she was holding the map. Damn hunters...this is one of the reasons why I hate them...their stupid egos.



"Urgh where am I?" I woke up finding myself in a cell. I sat up running to the iron bars looking around, "Hello anyone there? Let me go this instant! Hey!"

"Keep it down will ya?" I stopped turning around seeing a little girl with brown wavy hair staring at me. "Who are you?" She sighed hiding her face under her bangs, "Urgh...why do I feel nervous when meeting new people." I walked over sitting next to her. "Hey there, the name's Lucy Heartfilia. What's yours?" She blushed till she spoke up her name. "Its Zera. Sorry I'm not so use to meeting new people. I have this problem, being nervous and shy in front of people especially crowds." I smiled back. "Well I used to be like that too, but sooner or later I thought to myself, if I want to make new friends, I would have to throw away my shyness and look straight ahead. Of course it takes some time to be brave meeting new people."

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