An Effect

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For the past few days I could feel something burning in my body. I clutched over to my chest feeling the burning sensation within. My forehead started sweating and I was panting heavily. I let out heavy breaths and got up from the bed, looking at my phone. "Its almost 3 am in the morning. Why am I feeling so hot."

I checked the air cond temperature and it was 16 degrees. Why am I feeling so hot these few days? I can't even sleep and I keep on sweating every night. I should get some water to cool me down. I walked down towards the fridge to get a bottle of water. Luckily there's a few in the fridge. I took one of it, drank until finish. Then I took a bowl putting in some ice cubes. I walked up back to my room and filled up the water in my bath tub.

Once the water filled the tub, I locked inserting a plug and threw all the ice from the fridge into the water.

I slowly stripped off my clothes and jumped into the water trying to cool my body down. I sighed feeling the icy cool sensation all over my body. I rested my head, closing my eyes for a while before I get myself back to bed.



I was having trouble of sleeping. I tossed and turned many times but I couldn't get enough amount of sleep. For the past few days, I was trying to control my thirst but this time it keeps getting worst. "I feel parched...blood..." I snapped out of my thoughts, hitting my face hard. really does stings. I can't be always drinking Erza's blood every time. Out of the blue, I heard a loud thud coming from upstairs. I walked up from my room, heading towards Erza's room. I gave a knock on her door. "Erza, you're alright?"

I waited a for a few seconds and there was no reply. I knocked again and waited, still no reply. I kicked the door down and burst in her room. That's weird I could still sense her presence but she's not at the bed. I noticed the bathroom door was locked. "Erza, are you in there?" I said while knocking the door. She's not even answering.

"Sorry to do this..." I said softly as I kicked the bathroom door down. I gasped seeing her lying on the floor panting heavily. "Erza!" I ran down lifting her up over to my lap. I grunted feeling the burning sensation coming from her. "She's burning up real bad." She was breathing heavily and soft moans escaped from her lips. "Erza, can you hear me?" She was not responding. I quickly laid her gently on the floor on her back. This is hard, she's really panting heavily. My cheeks flushed seeing half of her bosom covered with towel.

I checked her wrist feeling her heart beating fast and the tension is getting worse. "Je..llal..." She said out softly while opening one of her eyes. I patted on her head, "Its okay, I'm here." She gripped over my hand and went back to sleep. Her eyes frowned in her sleep. How long has she been suffering like this?

"What happened to Erza?" I turned around seeing Mavis standing behind. She blushed seeing the sight of Erza with towel resting on my lap. "Its nothing like that! I just came here after hearing a loud thud from downstairs!" She walked over and gasped seeing her condition. "This is bad...her body heat is increasing gradually, she might not even survive tonight."


She sighed, "I should have told you sooner, she gave up her immortality to save you back then." My eyes widened as I looked down at Erza. "She did fool can you be Erza..."

"She did it to save you Jellal, or else you'll die from that last attack." I clenched both my fists feeling frustrated. If only I...hah... "Jellal are you feeling alright?" A memory just flashed into my head.

"Ouch what was that for?" [Jellal]

"This is part of training Jellal, try again." [Eileen]


"I can't do it anymore, this spell is too difficult for me."

"Hah, just keep on practicing, I'm sure you'll master it one day. If you look at it closely its more easier than you think. You just have to find it."

"Eileen, if you don't mind but why are teaching me this spell anyway."

"Who day you might need it. I developed this spell for a reason. A reason that could save one's life, but it comes with a price."

Wait...why am I thinking of that now? What does it mean? Unless...that spell...if only I I should try using it now although I haven't mastered it. "Don't tell me you're going to use that spell?" I stopped looking at Mavis's shock reaction. "I know what you are thinking Jellal, I saw it before. Don't tell me you are willing to do it?"

"I can't see her suffering like this. This is the only thing I can do to ease her pain."

"Its one of Eileen's spells right. I saw her used the spell once, please rethink about this." said Mavis as I gave her a soft smile. "Don't fret about it. I haven't mastered it fully but I can make it work, doing it in another way."

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath before using the spell on her. After a few minutes the spell was finished as I carried her and tucked her back to bed. Her heat was gone and she was sleeping comfortably. Glad that spell finally worked. I looked down seeing a slight depression on Mavis' face. I gave a pat on her head, "Hey, don't worry over it too much, look she's fine and sleeping well. I tell you what tomorrow I'll give you and your friend a sweet treat."

She nodded with a smile on her face, "Okay, but promise me that you'll take a good care of yourself." She is still worried even after I tried to cheer her up. Well, I shouldn't let anyone worry especially those two, Meredy and Erza. They shouldn't know about this. "Alright." I said as she gave a thumbs up. "Good, if anything happens, just tell me. I can help you with it."


She left the room getting back to the guest room while I stayed behind looking after this cute little servant of mine. I sighed brushing her hair away from her cheek. "You're always troublesome but you're adorable in a way." 

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