Grave Injury

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"Erza! Jellal! Are you guys alright?!?" Meredy yelled while running towards us. She gasped seeing Jellal in a bloody state. "Jellal! What happened?" I shook him gently, "Jellal, hey...Jellal!" Then I heard some soft growl coming from him as he slowly opened his eyes and spoke out faintly, "You're loud...I can hear you just fine." I smiled and gave him some space for him to sit up. My heart cringed when he spat out blood. "You still manage to survive after that kind of fall, but it seems you only made your girl miserable after all." said Hades breaking off from Siegrain's grip and backed away.

He raised his hand summoning one of his spells. "So maybe I'll just have you all disappear." Before he could unleashed his attack the ship started shaking once again. "What is happening?!?" I said as I fell over to Jellal while Meredy was grabbing a pillar nearby and Siegrain balancing himself on the ground. Hades grinned, "I guess it'll be soon?"

"Damnit! The floodwaters' weight is making the front of the ship tilt upwards!" said Jellal. "We need to save Lucy and the others first and get them out of here!" I said and Meredy yelled from behind. "Leave them to me! I'll try to break them off from Hades' magic!" Both me and Jellal nodded as she struggled walking through the strong waves current, heading towards the others.


"What was that?" I exclaimed after feeling the ship tilted to one side. Gray quickly grabbed one of the bars before we both could fall off the deck. "That was close!" I said as he grunted, "There's no time! Any minutes now the ship will sink. I wonder how's Erza and Jellal were doing...right now we need to focus on beating those two."

"Yes." I said unleashing all of my magic power and combining with Gray's too. "A unison raid to beat the like of us? Pathethic!" said Zancrow while the other kept silent and gathering his magic energy. "Ready Juvia?"

"Ready!" I said as we both went on rage mode, combining our powers into this one final blow. Those two dashed right ahead of us, facing face to face with their powers too.

"Ice Devil Rage!"

"Water Jigsaw!"

All our attacks collide against each other creating a drastic change at the sea waters. The ship moved again tilted more upwards after our attack. We both panted lying against the bars. The other two got hit badly and fell to the sea.

"We really need to get the others out of here. There's no time." I said as Gray looked around for other survivors. "Well, no one has gotten up here yet, there are some boats over there where we could use to get out. We have to get back at the ballroom, they are still trapped in it."




Everything in the ballroom started falling towards our side. The tables, the chairs, even the other furnitures in it falling towards our direction. Meredy almost reached at Lucy and Natsu's side. "You'll never see the likes of the day Jellal!" Hades let out his long range attacks and even kicked the chandelier across our direction. Jellal quickly grabbed me and Siegrain and dodged the attacks and caught hold onto a pillar. "Its no use, the currents are too strong for us to move around. We can't even land a hit on him."

"You're right about that servant girl, its time I finish off the weakened ones here. You do have a lovely face, but I'm sorry this will be the last you'll be seeing this world."

"Weakened? Lose to you? That joke isn't even funny." Siegrain started laughing all of the sudden. He climbed over to the pillar and elbowed at Jellal, "I can't have you looking down on my brother. Isn't that right Jellal?"

Jellal said faintly before coughing out blood. "Yes, very much so." I got worried immediately seeing the state he is in. Hades sneered, "Oh man, it's like I'm picking on the weak one."

All of the sudden, Jellal leaped up against him leaving me behind with Siegrain. He gave a high kick at Hades' face and gave another two punches at the other parts of his body. "Damn you wretch!" Jellal came face to face with Hades, "What did you say on picking the weak?" He gave another punch on the face and kicked him down.

"Siegrain do it!" Jellal yelled as Siegrain ran against the currents and summoned his spell. "Dark Altaris!" He's using the same magic as Jellal's? Oh I almost forgot, they two are twins, so they do share the same magic power. It managed to hit Hades' back and he fell down the ground. Jellal came over stomping his way on Hades. He cracked his fists, "Its over Hades."

"Is that so? Demon's eye activated." Suddenly the whole place started feeling gloomy for some reason. Everything turned dark and there were weird monsters coming up from the water. "I wonder if you have enough time. Only ten minutes left before everything sinks."

"NOT IN YOUR LIFE!" I looked up seeing Natsu regain his conscious and raising his fire fist high, "THIS IS A PAYBACK FOR WHAT YOU DID TO US!" Jellal dodged away as Natsu gave a hard hit on Hades. "DAMN ALL OF YOU!" He flew up in the air and crossed both his hands together, "Embrace the ultimate spell of mine! THE BOOKS OF ZEREF!"

"Pleiades!" Jellal yelled as his magic made a hit on Hades. Then Hades came out of it and grabbed both Siegrain and Jellal and tossed them over against the wall. "Jellal! Siegrain!"

Hades somehow managed to make his way to me and gripped my wrists. My eyes widened, shaking in fear as he made a deep cut behind my back. I screamed feeling his sharp claws right into my skin. "Erza!" I could hear Meredy yelling at the back. I covered my mouth trying to endure the pain as he continued making cuts at my back.

"I heard rumors that you are immortal, so I wouldn't mind killing you many times for entertainment." I winced in pain as he gave another hit at my back as I fell over to the waters. Then he grabbed my hair, pulling me up to his level. "Let go..."

He clutched hardly at my neck, squeezing it tightly. "Let..go..." I'm losing my breath, it hurt...then I saw Jellal running up and gave another hit at Hades. "Erza!" He caught me before I slumped down to the water. I coughed hard trying to breath properly. He hissed seeing the new wound on my back. He pulled me closer to him, trying to comfort me by patting gently on my back. "You...defile....beings! I'll wipe you out of your misery!" Hades was already unleashing his power, but then his powers were frozen into solid ice. "Hey guys! Are you all alright?!?" I sighed relief seeing Gray and Juvia above. "Nice timing man." said both Jellal and Natsu. "The ship's on the verge of sinking." That's right only five minutes left. "We'll have to hurry Je..llal..." I was slowly losing conscious due to the wound. He gave a peck at my cheek, "Rest easy Erza, I'll finish this off." 

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