Night Party

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"There you go, you look perfect!" said Lucy after helping me putting on a dress. I felt shy preventing myself from looking at the mirror. "What's wrong?" Lucy asked. "Well I never wore fancy dress before. This is the first..." Her mouth was wide opened, "WHAT?!? YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU NEVER WEAR DRESS BEFORE?" I nodded. "I'm always comfortable with the casual style, I don't normally wear fancy outfits."

"So what do you normally wear to parties?" said Lucy as I answered softly, "Jeans and shirt..." She pushed me forward towards the mirror, "Just look at yourself, the dress definitely suit you. I'm sure Jellal will love this!"


"Yeah Jellal, your close friend since childhood and he saved the show by playing as the evil queen." I raised my eyebrow trying to remember the person Jellal. "I'm sorry Lucy, but can you tell me about Jellal? I would really like to know about him." Her eyes shot wide as she placed her hands on my shoulders, "You don't remember him Erza?!? Are you having an amnesia?"

"Not really amnesia, but it seems that his name sounds so familiar. Could you tell me?"

"Are you guys done yet?" Meredy came in the bathroom, all dressed up. "Yup, we'll talk about this later." Lucy whispered as she put on some final touches on her face before leaving. I put on my heels and carried a small handbag to keep my things.


I quickly grabbed Lucy and Levy and went around the corner preventing Erza from hearing. "What is it Meredy?" They both asked. "Just keep it to yourselves and don't tell anyone, apparently Erza has lost her memories of Jellal." They both gasped softly. "What happened?"

"Is she really okay?"

I sighed, "I can't really explain the details but just try to act normal." They both nodded. "Alright."


"Hey aren't you guys coming?" I said coming out from the bathroom. "Yes!" They yelled as we all locked the room and went off to the main ballroom where the party was. The moment the wide doors opened, I gleamed seeing the scenery. The fancy colourful lights, the chandeliers, curtains and everything else looked grand. The floor is so smooth and shiny. "There you are! We were waiting for you guys." said Cana waving as the four of us walked towards our group.


I gasped in awe seeing the blond hair girl wearing the pink puffy dress. I elbowed Gray next to me, "Dude, do you know her?" I said pointing towards the blond girl. "That's Lucy Heartfilia. She's filthy rich, her family runs a business in Magnolia." My heart skipped a beat seeing the sight of her beauty. "She's so pretty..."

Gray gave a slight hit on the side, "You're drooling." I wiped off the saliva instantly, still looking at her. Then I felt someone was lounging their arms over me and Gray. "Someone here is interested in Lucy." I gasped turning behind seeing Mira smirking. "When did you come here?" She snickered, "I get the feeling that some of you might fall in love tonight. What Cana predicted is coming true."

I blushed looking away from her, "Well I...uh..." Gray gave me a light pushed. "Go on, I know you're dying to talk to her."

"Hey wait hold on." Both Gray and Mira were already pushing me forward to Lucy who was standing there having a conversation with Levy. She stopped and looked at me. I was nervous and looked back at Gray and Mira. They gave thumbs up and signs for me to start a conversation. "Uuuhhh...uhmmm...hey there, I'm Natsu Dragneel...nice to meet you!" I said lowering my head down feeling nervous. Why is my heart beating so fast all of the sudden.

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