Stygian Blast Circle

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"I told you right I always wanted to protect you..." Her hands slipped down to the ground as her breathing begins to slow down. "You can't...die on this..." I couldn't control my emotions, they were all raging out on me.


I watched, feeling shocked seeing Erza taking the hit for Jellal. Her blood was flowing out of her frail body. That was the first time I saw Jellal crying out loud over his loved one. My fists were clenched hard feeling remorse over the times again I couldn't stop my own brother from attacking people, even my friends. I turned around my body, staring straight at Zeref. "You're happy now brother?" I said seeing the smirk look on him. "It doesn't matter to me, it's a job of a servant to protect her master."

All of the sudden, the grounds started shaking and a thick mist came hovering over all of us. I opened my eyes finding myself back in the same place before. "Natsu!" I turned behind seeing Gray, Lucy and Juvia were running behind. "You guys...wait are we back at the same place?" I said looking around the place again. Then, an aura burst right out of Jellal. The aura hit both of our bodies back and forth and to the ground. "What is this..." My eyes widened in shock seeing Jellal's rage and the look of fiery red in his eyes.

"Jellal?" I said feeling blown by his rage looked. "What's going on?" asked Gray and he too was shocked seeing Jellal. "It's a long story but right now we got to save Erza!"

"Erza!" Lucy yelled seeing her lying down the ground in a pool of blood. "Who did this to her?" said Gray leaving me sighed heavily while staring at the person who caused all of this. He grinned back staring straight at me. "What's with that look Natsu? I have no intention of fighting against you. Now that I'm all fired up, I'm eager to get my taste of black magic against that vamp." Before I could move my attack, Jellal came over blasting a strong hit at Zeref as he went flying against the pillars. "Out of my way Natsu..."

"He's too strong even for you Jell..."

"I said get out of my way!" Zeref lounged out from the pillars hitting against Jellal and they both clashed their attacks one another. I gritted my teeth in frustration seeing those two fighting. "Erza! Erza! Can you hear me? You need to stay alive!" I looked over seeing Lucy holding Erza's body and Gray using his ice slayer magic trying to seal off the blood from flowing out.

I ran over to them asking how's Erza's doing. Lucy shook her head, "Her body is cold and her pulse is very weak." I looked at my palms lighting out my fist. "What are you doing?" said Lucy as I grinned back, "Maybe I could use my flames to warm her up."

"We could try that but she's barely even breathing..." Erza moved her head slightly calling out Jellal's name softly. "Je..llal..." The three of us came closer shaking her gently. "Erza, can you hear us? Erza!"

She coughed harshly vomiting out blood. We gasped seeing her condition getting worse. "She's not doing so good. What should we do?" Then we felt a presence and saw Mavis appearing out of no-where. "Mavis?"
"Hey you're that blond hair girl from before right?" I said pointing at her while seeing Gray and Lucy sighing and doing face palms. Mavis gave a soft smile walking over to Erza releasing a soft white glow on her forehead. "Is she..."

"I'm using my magic to heal her inner wounds. It seems that her powers are unleashed the moment her seal was gone." I raised my eyebrow, "So all this time her magic was being sealed up, but why?"

"I don't know the reason but I could feel her magic energy is beginning to absorb my magic. Sooner or later she would be able to regain her strength fast." said Mavis and I noticed she was starting to pant slightly. "Are you doing okay Mavis?" said Lucy. "I'll be okay, just a little longer..." She suddenly fell off from a sudden outburst of magic power. "Mavis!"

"I'm okay."

Then we saw Erza sitting up, regaining her conscious while looking at her body. She was glowing in gold aura and soon fiery butterfly flame wings were formed from her back. "I never felt so much of power before..." said Erza while looking at her palms. Her fiery wings soon fade off after her wounds are fully healed. "Hey what's wrong with you guys, why are you all sweating?" she said looking at the three of us.

"" We jumped hugging her tightly, "We thought you were dying!" I said. "You made us worried back there." added Lucy. "I'm just glad that you're okay."

"Where's Jellal?" said Erza making the three of us changed looks not wanting her to know Jellal's current condition. "Well...he's a sudden..." Then we heard a loud rage roar at the distance. Jellal was fighting brutally against Zeref. His evil snickering could be heard from a distance.


"What's got into Jellal?" I said seeing Jellal laughing about while letting out his long range attacks at Zeref like a maniac. "He lost control of himself when he saw you taking the hit for him. He was crying bitterly before he changed into that." Natsu explained the situation. I felt my heart skipped a beat, "I have to go to him...I have to got to Jellal!"

"Wait Erza!"

Suddenly I saw August came over hitting me with his magic. I clutched onto my shoulder feeling the burn on my skin. "Weak just like your mother." He spatted out lifting his staff high gathering his magic energy in the atmosphere. "What did you do to my mom?" I said feeling worried about my mom. He snickered throwing my mother out from a magic dimension to the ground. I gasped seeing the bloody state she was in. "Mom! Talk to me!" She soon slowly opened her eyes, "Er...zy...dear...what..." I nudged her head closer to me, patting her gently, "Save your strength mother...I'll protect you all this time."

I laid her down the ground gently but she gripped my hand, "Don't August is not what you think, he's strong, even I myself couldn't beat him to it." I gave a soft smile, "Don't worry mom I can use magic now as much as I want to. I'll protect you this time, I'm not holding back." She gasped with her eyes widened, "You can use magic, then that means, my magic seal has already been broken?"

I nodded, "Yes, I'll explain it later." August gave a sudden blast from afar but I quickly blocked it with my swords. "You have heard my mom and friends, I'm not going to hold back against you this time! So come at me with all you've got!" He let out a smirk on his face, "We'll see after I rip you off to bits!"


So Erza somehow managed to escape from crisis...that made me relief. "Are you paying attention to your opponent Jellal?" Zeref leaped up in the air summoning his dark explosion blast. I wiped out his attack with one swoop and burnt off his other attack with my flames preventing it from hitting Siegrain from the other side. The barrier can't stand for much longer, I'll have to end this quickly.

I summon, the judgement that will cause you for your sins, Zeref, Grand Chariot!" I drew the star sign using my meteor body spell as the attack glowed in golden light releasing heavy blast range from above. I landed on the ground, panting heavily after letting out that kind of attack.

"I'm impressed at how your attacks hit me, but its useless..." I knew that Zeref was immortal for the past hundred years and because of his curse magic, his wounds would be able to heal soon. I laughed, "I won't stop myself killing you."

His eyes narrowed giving an upright curve at his lips, "You still have a long way to go Jellal. You really think by absorbing all the dark magic from the world could defeat me? It was all just a merely a lie, whatever punches you pull, I'll still be alive to the very end. It is you who will die in the end in a tragic death. I'll simply kill you beautifully." He licked his lips summoning his attack, "Stygian Blast Circle..." I felt the air in the atmosphere changed, its like his attack contains some poison that could affect the city. I stood there raising only my right hand, anticipating his attack. He chuckled, "What's with that stance, Jellal? Wanting to get killed so easily?"

"Just give it out Zeref, I'm losing my patience here."

"Then we'll do this..." 

To be Continued...

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