No It Can't Be...

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"Is that you mom?"

She was behind Zeref until she turned towards me and came few steps forward. She gave a smile, "You have grown taller Jellal dear."

"But you are..."

"Dead?" She came closer cupping both my cheeks, "You can say I'm dead, but here I am now still alive." My body was already shivering feeling too shocked to see her alive right in front of me. My hands slowly moved, I really wanted to give her a hug so badly. I wrapped my hands around her embracing my mother, crying at the same time. "She's alive..." I thought to myself feeling happy to see her again. I could feel her hands running through my hair and patting on my back.

"You know Jellal, its nice that I could be a loving mother to you and Siegrain, however times has changed now."

"Lookout!" I gasped the moment Erza pulled me away as we both fell over to the floor. "What are you doing here Erza!?! You shouldn't have come here."

"I told you didn't I, I'm not leaving you ever again. I have a feeling that something is going on. So that's why I came over with Meredy and Juvia. Besides, she tried to attack you so I grabbed you before she does." I looked ahead and saw mom's face hidden beneath her bangs. "Mom?"

Then I caught glimpse of Gajeel appearing at the side of her drawing out his iron fist. "No don't!" I quickly shot from the floor blocking his attack just in time away from her. I gave a glare at him. "Don't you ever lay a finger on her." He sneered backing away.


Zeref clapped both his hands walking towards the center of the main courts. "Well done Jellal, you manage to protect your beloved mother."

"What are you intending Zeref..." said Jellal as Zeref gave a smirk. "Come on now, there's nothing to fight now." Natsu was at the back gritting his teeth, "Just spill it out and tell us where is Lucy!" Zeref turned his face at Natsu. "I thought I told you that I don't know what you are talking about." Natsu clenched both his fists. I quickly patted on his shoulder trying to calm him down. "Take it easy Natsu, I'm sure we'll find her soon. Meredy and Juvia are finding for her."

"Natsu!" I turned around seeing Lucy all safe and there was someone else beside her. Meredy, Juvia, Laxus, Mavis along with the rest of the hunters were following from behind. "Lucy!" Natsu ran as they both embrace each other.

"Zeref..." Mavis said softly at the back. Zeref looked and both of them were looking at each other from afar. "Its been a long time Mavis."

"Yes it is, I'm going to put an end to whatever you are trying to accomplish Zeref." Zeref shrugged, "And what would you do Mavis? You do know that both of us are cursed to be immortal forever." No way, the two of them are just the same as me? I remembered when I was on the verge of death. I clutched onto my chest to calm myself down. "Might as well you all leave unless you want things to turn out ugly." said Zeref as I felt a strange aura forming below his feet. I spotted the hunters were grinning, "No way we are going to let you slip by this time Zeref." said Laxus as he leaped up in the air and strike an attack over him. "Lightning roar!"

"Woah he managed to made a hit on him?" said Meredy at the sight as the light vanishes off leaving Zeref lying on the ground. Laxus grinned, "You see what I told you Zeref? I won't let you slip off by this time."

Zeref curved his lip and started laughing, "Impressive, you landed a hit on me but still it doesn't hurt at all." Zeref eyes gleamed in red and Laxus flew against the wall. I gasped seeing a sudden black aura burst right out from him hitting all of us.

"What the hell..." Gray grunted on the floor. I was blown over by Zeref's magic. He's so strong. "Erza are you alright?" said Gray and Meredy. I nodded. "I'm fine." I'm still worried about Jellal and who is that person beside him. Could it be his...

All of the sudden I felt an intense pain coursing through my veins. I coughed harshly clutching over my body. "What is this?" I looked around seeing everyone was rolling over the floor grunting in pain. I turned to the other side seeing Jellal going through the same thing too. "Jellal..." He was on his knees, panting heavily.


This makes the blood to evaporate by itself. I heard some footsteps walking in, "Your highness if you would allow me to take care of this insects lurking around the palace." I turned around slowly seeing a tall old man standing with his staff. Zeref smirked, "Go ahead August." August nodded and soon enough the pain was getting worse.

Blood was flowing out from my nose and mouth. I gritted my teeth enduring this pain coursing through me. "Oh my dear Jellal..." I looked up seeing mom lifting my chin up to her level. "Look at you suffering from an intense pain. Don't worry I can ease your pain and you won't have to suffer again." My eyes shot wide seeing her drawing out a sword from her waist. "You wouldn't do this..." I said as she started laughing, "Times has changed my sweet Jellal, this is all for your sake and mine too. I'm going to miss the good times I had with you and Siegrain." I gasped seeing her raise her sword high. I gave her a saddened look, "Mom...please..."

"No don't!" She stopped as I turned seeing Erza yelling from afar. "Don't move Erza its too dangerous!" I yelled back. Erza was still moving on the floor making her way closer. "I'm not going to let you get hurt Jellal! I mean it!"

Mom snickered, "So she's an important person to you?" I gasped seeing the look on mom's face. She grinned and dashed straight to Erza. Come on move have to get up or else Erza will...


The lady beside Jellal rushed towards me while swinging the sword in her hand. "Erza!" Gray and the others yelled. I won't die from this, I'm an immortal servant after all. So this won't even kill me!

"Give all you've got! I won't even budge!!!" I yelled staring straight at her as she grinned back moving her sword. "If that's what you want, I'll give it to you then!"


Jellal ran in front of me taking the hit as the sword made a deep cut across his chest and his abdomen. My eyes widened in shocked watching him taking the hit instead of me. I caught him in my arms and tears were running down my eyes. " can't be..." He gave a soft smile, "I'm sorry..." I gasped seeing him closing his eyes and his body was lifeless in my arms. My body started trembling as I dropped on my knees, sobbing over his chest. "Its not can't be...Jellal...we promised each other."

"As I expected, in the end you die because you are weak." I looked up glaring at her, "How could you say that to your own son!?!" She sneered, "Do you want me to kill you off as well, you can join with him afterlife."

"That's enough milady, you should rest and recover your strength." said Zeref at the back as she smiled, turning her back. "I thought I could have a chance in fighting you Jellal, but it seems like we won't after all. Get them out of my sight August." August came over, "Right away your highness."

He raised his staff gathering his magic energy, aiming at us. "I'll send you all straight to your deaths, prepare yourselves!"

"Not a chance old geezer! Everyone get out of here now!" yelled Gray as he froze the entire courts with his ice slayer magic leaving half of August body being froze up by ice. "Come on Erza, let's go!" Meredy came over to the side helping me up while Gray ran over carrying Jellal on his shoulders. "How are you all still moving?"

"I used my sensory linked magic to cancel his magic. That way we won't die when our bloods evaporate. It was tough but I somehow managed too." I noticed blood slightly trickled at her lips. "You're hurt aren't you?" She shook her head, "Don't worry about me, right now we have to save Jellal, he's on the verge of death." I cringed still feeling terrible back then till I felt Meredy holding my hand. "Don't worry, he won't die just yet, not yet..."

"Meredy..." She was holding back her tears. She wiped them off and continued to look forward, running. She's right, I should keep on believing that he's not dead yet. 

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