Let The Hunt Begin!

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I knew it! I overslept again! Did I forget to set the alarm again?!? I quickly wash myself up and put my uniform on before rushing down the stairs. I guess I should tell him before I leave for school. I knocked on his door and opened it. In the morning, he should be a weakling since vampires are not used to sunlight.

"Hey I'm going to..." I gasped seeing him sleeping soundly shirtless. He groaned and opened his eyes slightly. "Morning Erza...why is your face red?"

"Uh I just wanted to tell you I'm off to school. See you in the evening!" I said as I left the house.


"Good morning Levy!" I greeted Levy while rushing in the class. "Hey Erza, what's up with you? You seemed to be out of breath." I took few deep breaths before taking my place. "Yeah its because I ran that's why." I was able to run. The legs that used to hurt, are like wings now. I was able to run at full speed, but every once in awhile, I felt like I was running too fast. "Hey Erza why are you wearing your school uniform today?"

Oh that's right normally I wear my casual clothes, but the reason I wearing this is to hide my secret behind the collar. I can't let them find out about me getting bitten by a vampire. Suddenly the girls in my class started screaming. "Kya! He's coming this way!"

"He's so hot!" Levy turned around, "I guess something spectacular must be coming from the hallway." I chuckled, "Yeah no kidding."

"Oh my gosh, our eyes met! I feel like I'm going to faint!" said one of the girls. 

"He's way too cool!" I turned around and gasped seeing Jellal walking in the class with his black school uniform. "Good morning Erza."

"Jellal?!?" He walked past me. Jellal in a school uniform?!? What's going on? "What are you doing here?!?" I said as he sat at one of the empty desk. He grinned, "What? You look as though you haven't awakened from a dream."

"But..." Then a group of guys surrounded him. "Since this morning, your 'chick magnet aura' has been too bright." said Elfman, one of my classmates. Jellal snickered, "Even though I try to turn it down, I can't help it."

Everyone is acting as if Jellal is their normal classmate. Well, with extremely good looks, its quite possible. Its not just the girls though, he's also popular with the guys. I sighed and quickly pulled him out of the scene. "Jellal come over here!" I pulled him to the corner of the class and whispered. "What's going on? Everyone's acting like you are their classmate." He smirked, "Do you know of the powers of a vampire possesses?" I raised my eyebrows and shook my head. "I'm using hypnotism. Vampires can sneak through the cracks in someone's consciousness and change their memories. However, this time I hypnotised the whole school. Everyone who didn't know I existed before today, entered a "warp"." My eyes widened after hearing everything he said as he chuckled. "Do you understand now Scarlet?"

Then I touched his uniform, "How did you managed to get our school uniform?" He sighed, "I asked a school teacher and he gave me this outfit along with the accessories." I hit him lightly and chuckled, "You..." Then a few girls came over. "Jellal!" We both stopped and turned towards those girls. One of them was Evergreen who was known as the most popular girl in this school. "I like to make yourself clear today!" She snapped. "About what?"

She pointed at me, "Why are you playing special attention to someone like Erza Scarlet?" I was shocked at her words. This might be a problem. Why are they all glaring at me. Jellal let out a snicker, "Why do you think that is?" Evergreen and the girls stood stun and didn't speak a word. I have a bad feeling about this. "Its because I'm her..." Before Jellal could finish his sentence I budge in without any regrets. "Its because he's my childhood friend!" The girls shrieked, "Childhood friend?" Sooner or later they left leaving me and Jellal alone at the corner. "You could have just tell them that I was your friend instead of girlfriend." He grinned, "Then would "food" and "servant" have worked better?"

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