Stage Act

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"This is it people so do your very best for today's performance!" said Mira excitedly while holding her loudspeaker. "Yeah!" Everyone cheered as they got dressed ready for the performance. "What's wrong Lucy?" I turned around seeing Erza. "I'm just a little nervous, I'm worried that I would mess up my lines." She patted on my shoulder, "Don't be, I'm sure you will pull through it!"

"Yeah you're right."

"Wow look at you all, looking fancy as ever, that's so Mirajane's style." We both turned behind seeing Jenny and her team. "Oh look who's here." Said Mira as she stepped forward. Both she and Jenny head banged together. "Why don't you just give up since your school has never win for the drama competition."

"Why don't I knock your teeth off, I'm sure this time we'll win it for sure." Said Mira. Jenny laughed, "We'll see about it, but we do have a secret weapon that could pull this off." Mira let out a grin and started laughing, "We do have too and it will work perfectly."

"Alright then, see you Mira." Said Jenny. Oh yeah I remembered something all of the sudden. "Hey Mira, who will be replacing the girl who acted as the Evil Queen?" I asked as she started giving me a creepy laugh while rubbing her hands, "You'll see, it's a surprise." Erza and I gave a worried look as we turned around to get dressed as Jenny and her team left to their own rooms to get ready too.


I took a peep at the crowd trying to see whether Jellal and the others make it or not. Turns out that only Wendy was sitting at the front seat. I sighed...the show's about to start and they are still not here. "Hey sister!" I gasped noticing Wendy calling out from the front seat, waving. "Do your best okay!" I smiled waving back, "Yeah."

"Erza over here!" Mira called out as I quickly ran to them, "Coming!" Jenny's team performed first. Their skit title was called Beauty and the Beast. Of course Jenny is Belle while her boyfriend Hibiki was the Beast and the prince. "Looks like her secret weapon was Hibiki, the most popular guy in Blue Pegasus Academy." explained Mira while writing down something in her small notebook. "Who is that judge over there? He seems to be acting weird." I pointed at a chubby person sitting in the middle of the front seat. "Oh my gosh! Is the famous Ichiya! He's the model for Socerer Weekly Magazine! I always admire his posts, simply amazing!" I looked at Mira getting all excited. This man is giving me the creeps.

"Wow that was an amazing performance from team Jenny of Blue Pegasus Academy, now next up is team Mirajane of Fairy Tail Academy. Good luck guys." Max the host of the day called our team. "Alright let's show them who's the winner here!" said Mira as she gave a good luck hug to all of us. "Do your best Erza, Lucy and everyone." Juvia cheered and I nodded. "Hold on what about the evil Queen?" said Cana as Mira laughed, "Cana, come with me, your help is needed now." She whispered something and Cana grinned, "Oh I see what you mean. This would be fun."

"What is it?" I asked as they both shook their head laughing, "Oh nothing Erza, we just had something came out, see ya!" Both of them quickly ran out as I waited for my scene to play. After fifteen minutes pass, the plot came to the scene where the princess meets the prince and they fall in love.

"Oh my you save me Prince, thank you." The princess said as I knelt down taking her hand and kissed it. "It's no big deal princess, if you don't mind could I ask your name, highness?"

"It's Princess Lucy Heartfilia and yours would be..." I gave a smiled, "Prince Erza of the South Kingdom. I travelled all the way here to see the beauty of the princess from the North Kingdom. I'm honoured in meeting you in person and you are beautiful. The rumours that spread around my kingdom were true. If you don't mind Princess Lucy..." I paused my lines and did a pose where Mira told us to. I gripped one of Lucy's hands and supported her back with my other hand, "Will you marry me and have thirty-three babies with me?"

She gasped in awe as she kisses me on the cheek. "Yes." It's all going well the show. Everyone's eyes were focussed on this scene. I could tell that Mira is jumping up and down excitedly now. Then I heard some footsteps coming on stage.

"I fear I must disappoint you, Prince...." A cold ice mist suddenly emerged from the ground as a shadow figure was walking through it. I turned around as my jaw was wide opened and my eyes were wide opened seeing the person who played as the evil queen. I could even hear the crowd were gasping feeling shocked as well including Lucy. That person smirked and continued his lines, " is I whom you seek, Prince."

I gasped as the crowd screamed all of the sudden. "SUCH BEAUTY THE EVIL QUEEN! SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!"

"Je...Je...Jellal?!?" I stuttered as he walked pinning me over to the ground. He was wearing a gothic red and black dress along with some accessories. He sighed giving a pitiful look, "What is wrong my prince? Are you unhappy to see me?"

"What are you doing here Jellal?!?" I said feeling a little nervous. To be honest he seems to look pretty in the dress. He gave a slight glare at me and muttered under his breath, "You think I want to be here? I was forced into this by her." I looked to the back seeing Mira giving thumbs up behind the curtain with a grin on her face. "What really happened?" I whispered softly.


"I need you to play my evil queen for the sake of the team!"

"Are you sure about doing this Jellal?" asked Gray. I sighed.



"You've got it down Jellal Fernandes! The art of adultery!" Mira shouted behind the curtain. Jellal muttered, "You heard her."

"Darn it Mira!" I said as the show continues to move on. The evil queen (Jellal) grasps my hand and lifted my chin, "You see the rose perfume that I'm wearing now is in truth, a poison." My eyes widened as he came closer. "What are you saying?"

He grinned back, "Since this part has the love scene with the prince right? Of course I couldn't let anyone take it." That's your reason?!? His face was an inch far from me. "Now take my love for you, my sweet prince." I can't even move, he's too heavy for me especially with that dress.

He pecked me on the lips as the crowd went wild. "YEEK!!!! THE EVIL QUEEN KISSES THE PRINCE!"


"HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!! Wait what happened to the Princess? Did she left the stage?"

After that, the show went on until it reached to the climax part. I took a break since it's not my turn yet to appear. The curtains closed and I stomped my way to Mira. "Mira!" Mira was already excited while talking with Jellal, "That was an awesome acting! Even though there wasn't any love part in the script but who cares, you did manage to catch the audience attention!"

"Hold on it's not in the script!?!" I yelled as Mira winked back. "Told you it would work." She said feeling happy as Cana elbowed her with a smile. "We nailed it!"

I sighed heavily as I sat down on the chair. "Good grief." I looked at Jellal who was grinning at the back. "What are you smiling at?" I said as he chuckled. "Nothing...I'm just happy that I get to see your nervous cute face just now." I gasped, "It's not like that! Don't ever tell that to anyone!" Then I heard Juvia called me. "Final act! You're up Prince!"

"Right!" I said racing my way up on stage.


I sighed making my way back to the changing room. This dress is too heavy to walk. "Hahaha you look better for a lady." Gray and Natsu teased as I snickered settling down taking, taking off the wig. "Tell me about it." They chuckled as they headed for the stage. "See you later." Both of them were acting as the royal knights for the prince.

"I see so you have been living here for days and you couldn't even informed me about it." I recognize the voice as that person quickly pinned me to the ground and sank the fangs deep into my neck. I snickered, "So you did finally turn up here, Ultear..."

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