Universe One

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"Are you sure we are in the right direction, cause the way we are going right now is quite confusing." said Juvia. I looked through the map that we got from one of the guards that were knocked out by Natsu and Gray. "I'm sure this is the right way. The place where Eileen is might be somewhere around here. Mira told me the details while she was talking with the other two girls." I said as we continued heading the same way till we heard some footsteps ahead.

We all stopped getting ready with our attacks. "Who goes there?" I said out loudly till I heard a girl sighing. "Who the heck are you girls anyway?" said a girl with long black ponytail taking out her ribbons and a dagger. The other girl with white hair was getting ready with her attacks, but her hands were all slimy. "We came here to rescue someone."

"Same thing here, we are here to rescue someone as well. I suppose one of your comrades are here?" said the girl with the black ponytail. "Yes, its our friend's..." Meredy came forward stopping me from explaining. "I don't think we should tell them Lucy, we wouldn't know if they are planning on a sneak attack on us." She's right about it, "Okay." I said keeping my mouth shut. One of them sighed, "Look, we're not like those thugs before. We used to but then, we felt it wasn't right."

"How should we trust you two?" said Juvia. "Well, I suppose we can tell you the name of the person we are rescuing. Its our mistress, Lady Eileen." All three of us gasped, "Hold on! You guys are rescuing her too? We are on our way there too?" They both raised their eyebrows. "I'm guessing you must have talked to our friend, Mirajane Strauss right?" They both gasped, "Yes, no wonder she send a text message saying that there will be some people who are willingly to help save our mistress." I nodded as the girl kept her weapons. "Well then, I say we are truce for now until we get her out of here. I'm Heine and this is Juliet."

"The name's Lucy, Juvia and Meredy." Meredy pouted, "Why are we being friendly all of the sudden?" I gave her a slight pinch on the cheek. "Now be nice Meredy." She sighed giving up. "Yeah, yeah I heard you loud and clear." I chuckled, "So the cellar is not far from here right?" They both nodded, "Yes, if we continued using this direction, we'll definitely be there in no time. However, we might need to break a hole or something to bust in there." I snickered, "Not to worry..." They both turned looking at me. "You're looking at a celestial wizard beauty here! I got a spirit that can make holes beautifully!"

"Geez Lucy, you're are acting just like one of the judges during our competition." said Juvia as I snapped back, "Don't compare me with him!" They all laughed leaving me blushing away in embarrassment. "We should go now, the others are waiting for us. We should rescue Eileen as soon as possible." said Meredy as she started off running followed by the rest of us. "Right!"



"What did you do?" I glared at Zeref as he grinned back walking towards me. "Stay back brother..." said Natsu sternly looking at his brother. "Oh I didn't see you there Natsu..." Natsu gritted his teeth, "Why are you doing this? Can't you see you are hurting people already? Don't you feel any guilt at all?"

"Natsu..." muttered both me and Gray at the back. Zeref gave a glare at Natsu as he walked past him. "It's my choice what I want to do. All i'm doing is for the sake of humanity." He stopped looking at me and grin, "I guess I can give a simple demonstration. You want to know why Jellal is in that condition...simple..." He grabbed the sword that was on the floor and pierced through my right arm. What...it doesn't hurt at all the least...but how? Then I saw Jellal yelped as I saw his blood streaming out from the right arm, exactly the same spot where Zeref pierced into it. "Jellal!" Gray, me and Natsu gasped. I broke free of Zeref's grip and ran towards Jellal. I hissed feeling the marks spreading to me. So this is how it feels...he must have been enduring it all this time.

"There's no point in saving him Erza, he's done for." said Zeref with a grin. "Erza don't!" Jellal gasped coughing harshly when I turned him over trying to get him lie down better. "Why Jellal? Why would you do this?" Jellal panted trying to speak through the pain, "I did it to save you...I can't bear to see you get killed...I wouldn't...be myself...if...you..." He coughed harshly as blood trickled on his lips. "Jellal you can't fight like this. You need to get yourself treated immediately." I said as he shook his head, "Its no use. The spell I used is done for." I felt my heart cringed seeing him suffering like this. "Jellal, you..." He gave a soft smile, "Its okay Erza..."



What's with that soft expression of his...looks like I might need to pursue further on this. The real side of him is still right deep down within him. I'll definitely drive you out Bloody Prince of Calamity.


"Jellal! Jellal! Stay with me..." He slowly regain his composure as he slowly turned to Natsu and Gray, "Natsu, Gray...take Erza away from here..." I snapped, "You can't do this to me!" Natsu gritted his teeth turning towards Zeref, "Damn it! I won't let you slip off this time brother!" Zeref grinned, "Really?" He unleashed his dark flame at us. "I had enough of you especially Natsu..."


Then his attack was burnt off by another magic attack. I turned around seeing mom used her spear to counterattack Zeref's attacks. "Mom!?! You're okay!"I sighed in relief seeing mom safely along with the girls. She adjusted her hat and glared at Zeref, "I won't let you hurt any of my daughter's comrades and my student too." She walked towards us and saw Jellal panting heavily on the ground. She knelt down touching his shirt. "Mom don't!" She sighed heavily, "So he used the rare spell that I taught him years ago. This is bad, at this rate I doubt he would be able to survive through it." My eyes widened in shocked. "What should we do?"

Mom stood back up glaring at Zeref. "I see you have hurt one of my students..." Zeref grinned, "I knew someday you would betray me Eileen. However, you shouldn't underestimate the rest of my men even though you are strong." He snapped his fingers and soon the rest of the Spriggan 12 members came about.

"Get ready guys, they might attack us anytime!" said Lucy as the rest of the gang got ready with their attacks. "My, my Eileen I never thought you would show your true colours in front of his Majesty." said August as he stepped forward in front of Zeref. "If you would allow me to give her some punishment." Zeref chuckled, "Do as you please August but I really want her and the other two alive...the rest of you can have all the time you need."

"Stand back everyone." Mom said as everyone looked at her. "This might be troublesome but it might be helpful for some of us. It doesn't matter what opponent you'll be facing, but don't underestimate their powers. They are way beyond the enemies that you encounter so far." What is mom trying to say. Then she hit her staff right on the ground as a huge white light burst through everything. I gripped onto Jellal tightly not wanting to get separated from him. I couldn't see anything, I closed my eyes.


Damn it Eileen, you're using the spell even you don't know what it might cause the rest of us. Damn you... "I'm grateful..." I stopped hearing the familiar voice. The white light vanished and here once again standing face to face with my younger brother. "Its you again." He grinned pumping his fist and lit the fire within. "I must say Erza's mom is pretty awesome when she used the spell! I'm going to make you feel regret for your mistakes! I'm giving one more chance to you, confess your sins brother!" I hissed getting pissed already as I unleashed my dark powers. "Shut up!"


Where are we? I said softly finding myself in a large room. Suddenly Jellal grabbed me as the attack suddenly just destroyed part of the wall. "Jellal! What was that?" I said and feeling somehow relief that I didn't get separated from him. He panted heavily as he let go of me and stepped forward, "You should stay behind me as you can. Don't ever go way too far."

"What's wrong Jellal?" My eyes shot wide seeing another person standing ahead of us. I gasped, "Siegrain...what happened to you?" I was shocked to see Siegrain looking all different. Half of his body were covered with dark marks and two large black wings at the back of his along with claws on both his hands. His eyes were turned to blood crimson red. His skin was white as snow. "Zeref must have done something to him..." said Jellal as Siegrain waved his hand releasing his dark attacks. Jellal grabbed me and dodged just in time. "Jellal you can't fight him like this..." I said trying to stop him. He grunted in pain, "I have to...I'll bring him back to his senses." 

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