The Dawn of Final Battle Begins

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"Well, well, well, now are you willing to tell me Eileen?" said August after locking me up in a cellar for almost two days. He came over sitting on the opposite. "Do you want to know why are you here?" I just kept quiet and stared at the walls behind him. He hit the table, "I'm talking to you wench."

I grinned back, "Well..."

"Zeref ordered me to do it. I wonder why all of the sudden, he would want to locked his favourite subject in the cellar?" I sighed heavily closing my eyes while crossing my arms staring at the ceiling. "What do I care the least? Its like I already know what he's up to. So I guess its the same for him."

"No, betray him. You were working alongside with that pureblood and even protecting those pesky little flies. Well, at least I can tell you one good news...Zeref is having your daughter now." I snapped my eyes opened after hearing that. I gritted my teeth as August started laughing. "Ooh someone's getting feisty."

"If anything happens to her, I'll make you all regret. Try all you want but you'll never get her powers out. Its been already sealed by me and another person." August's eyes shot wide as he gripped my cloak pulling me closer to his glaring face, "Sealed? Really? I guess you're underestimating him, that power of your daughters, can really be useful. Zeref has already corrupted her, and soon enough he will eventually rip her heart off once the time comes."



"Next time I'm going to walk on my own." said Natsu covering his mouth trying to control his motion sickness after arriving at Alvarez. "That's a pretty cute face you have back there! I wonder what Lucy will say if she see this." Gray teased as Natsu head banged at his. "You want to fight stripper?"

"Yeah bring it on."

"Out with it you two!" I came over banging both their heads together knocking them halfway. "Sorry sir..." I sighed feeling a slight pain at the back of my body. Great now the pain has already been spread to the back of my body. "So what's the plan like?" said Natsu after recovering his composure. "There's no plan at all, we're just barging through the front door." I said leaving both of them with their jaws opened wide.

"You serious?" said Gray as I nodded. "What else would it be then? Unless you got a better plan or something." Gray shook his head, "Well I guess you're right in a way. But, you do know the three of us wouldn't stand a chance to fight all 12 of them plus Zeref and your mother."

"That's not my mother at all..." They both stared at me shocked, "I sense it was one of Zeref's curse that is working in her. That's why she was acting as a different person. I was the one that saw her death right in front of me."

"So then..."

"In case if anything happens to me, I want you two to get out of here as fast as you can." I said sternly and the next thing their faces changed. "Are you crazy Jellal?" said Natsu. "Like I'm going to leave you behind!" added Gray. "You still have other responsibilities you know, Erza and the rest of us here. Plus..." He paused stripping his shirt halfway revealing the dark mark that was inflicted on his body. "You still haven't taken out this curse yet. You will need it to kill off Zeref immediately."

"Hold on, what happen if the curse is taken out of Gray?" said Natsu. "He won't be able to be a wizard anymore nor a werewolf. Just a normal human again. The reason he's in his werewolf form is because of the curse that was flowing through his body. I only forced him to drink some of my blood to save his life from becoming a monster." Natsu was stunned there and looked at Gray patting over his shoulder. "Its no wonder you were trying to avoid me during that time." He nodded, "That's all in the past, I'm not running anymore. Well Jellal...there's one thing you need to make a promise to me and Natsu here...stay alive."

I gasped slightly seeing their stern faces. I snickered, giving up, "Hah, have my word." They both smiled as we made our way to the palace. "Let's go kick some ass."


We soon arrived at the palace and we invaded through the front gates knocking off half the soldiers with one single blow. "You go on ahead Jellal leave the rest to us!" yelled Gray and Natsu as I nodded, running ahead of them deeper into the palace.


"What happened?"

"Alert the rest, inform his majesty!"

I already knew they were going to invade the palace soon, however there will be a surprise soon. I wonder Jellal can you kill it just like how you were in the past.


"I was expecting that you will come to me, Bloody Prince of Calamity." said Zeref as I looked up at him. He was standing on one of the rooftops with a smirk on his face. "You got your wish Zeref."

"Soon can go now..." His sudden look changed into a grin looking at the other side. I turned over seeing a shadowy figure as it came over gripping over a sword. I dodged the attack and caught glimpse of scarlet hair. I gasped seeing Erza facing against me with a sword in her hand. "Erza..." I gritted my teeth and glared at Zeref, "What did you do to her?"

He smiled turning his back and walking away, "I wonder Jellal, whether you would be able to kill her, would you be able to go back to the past. Would you be able to be the real you that has been deep underground within you."

I flinched, "I don't get what you are saying. This is the real me." He shook his head, "No Jellal, the real you...the real dark side of you who couldn't care less of people. Have fun my love, you can do to your heart's content. Make him pay for what he's done to to hurt you, Erza."

She cracked into a smile adjusting her sword to the middle, "Yes Zeref!" She leaped up from the ground and started attacking me. I blocked her sword and avoided her next counterattack. She then made a slight cut at my face as I leaped backwards. "That's pretty one tough move you got there."

"Shut up Jellal. You act so righteous as if you haven't forgotten what you did to me!?!" She took out a whip hitting the ground. I dodged over running towards her with my hands glowing slightly in golden light, "You made me no choice Erza. As your master, I'll do whatever it bring you back to the right path!"

She grinned back, "Make me..."



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