A Surprise Visitor

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"Haha, you see, I'm Jellal's fiance. You do know what it means do you?" said Ultear as I dropped to my knees. "You're his fiance? That can't be..." She walked closer playing with my bangs, "It's the truth. Hhhhmmm...your blood smells nice. I can imagine the taste, no wonder Jellal's quite fond of you." My eyes widened when she cupped my cheeks. "Listen, do you mind doing me a favour?"

"Ultear stop it!" Meredy came over grabbing her hand. "You don't want to make him mad!" Ultear slapped her hand away. "Do I make myself clear, get out!"

"No that won't do."

"Why just because she's a precious thing to Jellal?"

"She is but she's my friend too so it's my job to ensure that she's well taken care." said Meredy. "It's fine Meredy..." I said as Ultear came over gripping my neck tightly. "I can't believe that out of all he would give his life for you?!? How unforgivable...." I struggled through her grasps. "What do you want?"

She grinned tightening her grip, "I want you to kill him." My eyes shot wide, "What?" I stuttered as she started snickering. "You are the only want could do it. You're his servant right, after all you do receive some of his powers, surely you can outdone him in few minutes." I gasped, "No way...I won't do it even you kill me!"

She frowned, "Then there is no other choice right..." She lifted her hand unleashing her magic power. "Then I shall kill you too along with him."

"Erza get out of the way!" Meredy yelled running but Ultear hold her back using her powers trapping her into a massive bubble. "Meredy!" Ultear came from behind, "Now die human..."

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact till I felt someone gripped me from behind. I opened my eyes seeing Jellal blocking the attack. "Jellal..." Ultear backed away. "I told you not to touch her Ultear." She grinned, "Finally you're here, I can kill you myself since you decided not to attend out engagement, what's the point of continuing on like this..."

"Go Erza, I'll handle her alone."

"But what about you?" I said as he patted on my head, "Don't worry, I won't die that easily, you can count on that." I hesitated for a second before doing as he says. I helped up Meredy and ran off the room. "Promise me you'll be back Jellal!" He nodded as me and Meredy left.


"Hhmm...aren't you going to kill me? I'm waiting..." I said as she grinned walking slowly towards me. Her hands ran through my face and over my chest till she stops at my heart. "You want to know the reason why I want to kill you badly? It's not because of the engagement, I'm doing it for the one person that I truly love. He's almost the same as you and different from you at the same time." I stuttered for a moment and she chuckled. "Tell Seigrain that I really miss him." I felt a weird feeling as I backed away slowly from her.

"Hah...you tell him that yourself, I have no intention of getting along with him again." I said walking away. "My, it seems that I have triggered your anger Jellal..." I stopped as she continued. "Such a cute expression you got there Jellal, I do love you but I love him even more, but fate tears us apart when the council decided to arrange an engagement between the two of us. I have no other choice but to agree while you escaped and came over to the human world."

"You could have disagreed back then." I said walking away. "Are you trying to run away again?" I sighed. I thought I would never have to hear that name again.

"Hahahaha, you're the same as ever Jellal..." I gasped and got pinned down harshly by own flesh and blood. My twin brother, Seigran. I snickered, "Seigrain..."

He came closer to my neck embedding his fangs deeply. I felt a sharp pain but I tried to control my pain. I always knew that feeling...the way he smiles, fight and even drinks blood. He always believed that he was stronger than everyone else but it turns out that I was equally matched with him.

He finishes drinking and licked off the blood from his lips and his bloody fingers. He cracked a smirk, "The taste of your blood is satisfying, I always miss that look on your face."

I immediately stood up getting hold of my grip. "So as I, but I'm not in the mood right now. Get out of my way." He sneered, "Is this how you greet me after all these years...quite a loving brother you are Jellal."

"Don't ever call me with that tone."

"Getting angry won't do you no good Jellal after all I could tell that your body is parched with thirst entirely." I hitched making my way towards my way out. "That servant girl you have is quite entertaining, she do possesses a fragrant scent." I glared back at him, "I'll kill you if you land a finger on her." He snickered, "We'll see."


"Are you seriously letting him go Seigran darling?" I rested my head over his shoulder. "It's not the time just yet however, we must find Zeref first before he does." I chuckled knowing his intentions. "But what about your engagement?" He said as I chuckled back,"Well my dear let's change the subject for now, I'll settle it on my own after all I only love you more than anything else. We should leave before the others might caught up to us." He grinned back, "You're right indeed."

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