Chapter 31

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A/N: Hey!!! So, just an FYI to those who have been reading the updates...

Connor's name is now Toby!!!!!!! If you see Tobin, or Toby, Then that is who he is!





Brooke and I sat together at school that morning, attempting to study for calculus even though there were no tests or quizzes. That's when I noticed that the clean teen shirt she was once wearing, was now gone. Unfortunately, I was not the only one who noticed.

"Brooke... Where is your shirt? How will the boys know you won't be giving into them?" Shelly questioned.

"I don't mean to intrude, but I am pretty sure only one boy matters and I don't NEED her to give in... It'll happen eventually." I said, smirking at Brooke. She answered by giving me a quick kiss.

"Anyway, there's an emergency meeting later today. Also, this is Chase. He's new here. "Shelly continued.

Later on, I spent the time job hunting with Nathan. I had money that Keith left for me, however, that wouldn't last forever. We circled any possibilities that we could find when Skills approached us.

"You boys know, if you're lookin' to make some extra cash, I can hook y'all up." Skills smiled, "How's your dancing?"

Nathan and I shared confused glances and that forced him to continue, "Alright listen... There's this club in town having an amateur dance night and the winner gets money. Little skin has to be shown, but that's alright." He smirked.

"Dancing... at a club, and skin has to be shown? So, you mean stripping." I said, shaking my head.

"Think about it." He smiled, doing some weird dance move.

Class had started up again and we had gotten our Calculus tests back. Some how, Brooke had gotten an 'A'.

"Look at me! I'm a smart virgin!" she cheered.

"Great! You're the new Mouth." Rachel retorted.

"Nice grade... maybe you should tutor me." Chase spoke, leaning over.

"You'd be better off going to the tutor center. I wouldn't make a good tutor." Brooke smiled.

"I guess we'll see about that." Chase finished, sitting back in his desk.


Nathan and I had accepted Skills' offer and met up with him in the weight room for rehearsal. Mouth was going to be our choreographer and Skills was going to run to Peyton's really fast for some music.

"But first, lemme see ya dance." Skills said, looking at Nathan.

I held in a laugh knowing what was about to come next. Nathan began dancing... if you even wanted to call it that!

"Please tell me he isn't as bad as he looks." Skills shook his head and left.

We had been rehearsing for awhile when Mouth spoke out about what we were going to be wearing tonight. "Check this out!" He said, pulling out some gold thong type thing.

"Oh hell no!" Nathan laughed, which Mouth returned.

"He's just playin'!" Skills said.


Finally, the time had come for us to go on. There was just one more performance before us. So, Nathan and I decided  to peak out into the crowd and saw Rachel with Bevin.

"Dude, Rachel and Bevin are here," Nate said, "Does Haley know about this?"

I laughed, "Well, we told Bevin and Peyton...who was bound to tell Haley."

He sighed and Skills joined us by looking out the curtain.

"That's a lot of people out there," He said, shaking his shirt as if to cool off, "Is it hot in here?"

Now, we were before the crowd and instead of Skills we had Mouth with us. The moment I went into the room I made eye contact with Haley and I have never felt so awkward before. My face went red and I searched for Brooke but I couldn't find her. I sighed and went on with my thing. I jumped down into our friend group and messed with everyone. I stopped at Peyton and grinded on her a little, giving Lucas a joking nod. As weird as it sounds, this was a fun night. It definitely paid off!


Afterwards I went over to Rachel's to talk to Brooke on where she was.

"Hey Rachel! Where was Brooke tonight?" I asked.

"Oh, she didn't tell you? She went out with Chase about the same time you guys came on."

I bit my lip and nodded, looking at the ground. Why would she not have told me? I went to leave but saw them kissing... Brooke was kissing Chase. The shock hit and I backed away from the door. My heart felt as though it was in a million different directions. I bolted out the back door to avoid them.


No A/N

till next time!


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