Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

*Cameron's POV*

Things have been so weird lately. I have no idea what is going on. I had my audition later today but my mind is spinning. I climbed out of bed and I cracked all the bones in my body. I was a little sore from dance yesterday but no pain no gain right? I walked over to my drawer and I pulled out a pair of pink ballet tights and a black leotard. I put it on and I admired myself in the mirror. I took a brush and I brushed my hair up into a high pony tail, which I turned into a perfect ballet bun. Then I decided to put on a little make up to look decent. I slipped on my sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I heard Harry groan and Brenda was out like a light. I looked over at him.

“Hey.” I smiled as I walked over to sit on the edge of the bed.

“Good morning pretty lady.” He said giving me a kiss. I started to rub his back.

“I have to go, but I will see you when I get back?” I asked.

“Yes, I want to take you out to dinner because tomorrow is my last night here before the tour.” He said. I mentally swore, I completely forgot that Harry was leaving soon.

“Okay.” I smiled.

“Good luck!” Harry called. I opened up the door and I left. I started walking down the street when I heard Tyler calling my name.

“Cam!” He said running up to me. I ignored him.

“Hey Cam!” I still ignored him.

“Did I do something to make you mad?” Tyler asked. I froze.

“Are you fucking serious?! Do you not remember the last 24 hours?!” I yelled. He looked at me confused.

“Tyler, first you were touching me weird, then you yelled at me for being with Harry too much, then you criticized my dancing, and then you told me you were in love with me and kissed me.” I said frustrated. He looked at me more confused.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I did not do that.” He said.

“Yes you fucking did!” I yelled.

“Cam, I swear I would never. I-I love you but like a friend. I would never come between you and Harry. You know I love Bridget. I have no idea what you are talking about.” He said. I looked at him. He really has no idea what happened.

“Tyler, do you know what day it is?” I asked.

“Yeah it’s Wednesday.” He said. I shook my head.

“It’s Thursday. Tyler can you remember anything from yesterday?” I asked.

“Uh, um…” Tyler said thinking long and hard. I stared at him. What is wrong with him?

“Come on lets go to the studio.” I said as we continued walking.

We arrived in the studio.  I put my bag down and I put on my pointe shoes and I started lacing them up. What is wrong with Tyler? Why was he acting like he doesn’t remember anything that happened? I stood up and I walked into the class room.

“Okay everyone, today is your audition’s for the roles in the showcase. Impress me.” My teacher said. The first girl went to perform. The pianist started to play. Tyler looked over at to me.

“We have an audition?” He mouthed. I nodded.

“For the showcase?” He asked. I nodded.

“Just improv.” I mouthed back. It was Tyler’s turn. He stood up and the pianist started playing a different form of ballet music. Tyler started off with 6 Fouettés into a double pirouette. He Piquéd into an Arabesque and did a few steps afterward. His routine consisted of multiple jumps and tilts. Tyler’s strongest moves. He then did a small combo involving Changements into a pas de bourree, prep clean triple in coupe into a grande Jete. He also did a couple moves to finish up. It looked beautiful for improve. Everyone clapped and now it was my turn. I told the pianist what song to play. I started in B plus bending at the waist with my arms over my head and as the music started I gracefully lifted up and I exhaled as my arms lowered. I prepped and I did 3 a la secondes into 4 coupé turns and landed beautifully. I transitioned into Glissade step jete and then I turned and I danced. I danced like my life depended on it. I did a few jetes, second jumps, and even switch jumps all in pointe shoes. I did a battement in relevé. Then I slowly transitioned into arabesque and then I penchéd forward and slowly returned to regular height. I dance around more jumping, spinning, and articulating every muscle I had in my body and the energy being present in every move I made. The energy ran through my body and reached every part of it all the way to my fingertips. Dancing gave me such a thrill. This was my dream. I have always wanted to perform and now I can! I finished my routine and I curtsied as I finished. Everyone clapped and cheered and my teacher looked satisfied. I swear she almost smiled. She gave me a slight nod and I sat down out of breath. I sat next to Tyler.

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