chapter 44: healing wounds

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I stand up.

Liam turns to face me. "Run."

"But, Liam-"


I hesistate at first but then run. I run in the direction Liam came from. 

help. I have to find help.

As I run, I look back, but they are out of sight. I can just hear the roars and the noise of someone being slammed into a locker. I turn around, running right into Stiles. I almost fall back but Stiles grabs me before I do. 

"You ok!?" he asks, clearly worried.

"Yes, but Liam, we have to help him!"

After I say that, there's a roar so loud it feels like the lockers begin to shake.


"He's got enough help, come on!" he says. "Follow me!"

I run after him. "Where are we going?!"

"Mr. Yukimura's room!" he yells back.

We reach the classroom, which is unlocked, and rush in.

"Why are we here? What are you looking for?" I ask my brother as he digs through book shelf in the back.

"This." he says, holding up a glass bottle.

mountain ash

"Thought it might be necessary one day." he says.

"Looks like that day is today." 

"Come on, let's go!" he says and we run back to where we left Liam and Scott with Josh. We find them struggling against Josh. He's fast and strong.

"What do we do?" I ask Stiles, frantically.

"Hold out your hand." he says as he pours Mountain Ash into my hand and then into his. "When we can get close enough to Josh, we'll use this to make sure he can't leave. But only when he's away from Scott and Liam."

I nod, letting Stiles know that I understand. We begin to get closer to the three of them, but either Scott or Liam are struggling against Josh, and we can't use the Mountain Ash. 

Josh grabs Scott, lifts him up and throws him in our direction. Scott falls by our feet and Stiles and I are helping him up when I hear a scream. It's a scream filled with pain and agony. 

I quickly turn to see Josh standing over Liam, clawing at him and slashing him.

"Liam..." his name leaves my mouth in a whisper, as fear comes over me. This isn't good. "Liam!" I shout this time as I walk towards him, gathering to the bravery I need to help him.

"No, Veronica!" Stiles says as he grabs my arm and holds me back.

I would've pulled away but I see Scott run past us and I watch as he tackles Josh, getting him off of Liam. Liam slowly drags himself towards the wall lined with lockers, resting his back on them.

Because I've been looking at Liam, I barely noticed as Scott grabbed Josh, and just as  Josh did with Scott, he lifts him and throws him in our direction.

"Now!" Scott yells.

Stiles and I take a few steps towards Josh, who is still on the floor, and surround him with Mountain Ash, creating a perfect ring around him, not allowing him to leave.

He stands up, confined by the Mountain Ash around him. Stiles and I walk over to where Scott stands. We face Josh, Liam behind us.

"Why are you doing this?" Scott asks, "Did someone send you?"

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