chapter 33: unconscious

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I'm on the back of Scott's motorcycle, holding on to him as he navigates the road near the woods. I'm wearing the helmet he gave me before we took off towards our destination.

It's dark out now, and we're running a little late. The road is pretty much empty except for the occasional car.

and that's when it happens

Someone, or something lunges at us from the side of the road, knocking us both over and sending the motorcycle crashing away from us.

My backpack helps break my fall, but we were knocked down with so much force that neither my backpack or my helmet could prevent me from losing consciousness as my head hit the pavement first.


8 hours earlier; beacon hills high school; biology class

"All right class, it's Monday, so that means last weeks lab report is due today. Please pass them forward."

I turn to Josh, who is staring out the window. I give him a nudge, getting his attention.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"Do you have the report? We're turning them in right now."

"No. I thought you had it." he says.

I shake my head. "Nope. I gave it to you last week so you could finish your part over the weekend."

"Oh, yeah. You're right." he says as he goes into his backpack to get the report. He finds it and passes it forward to the students who are sitting in front of us and they hand it in to the teacher.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask him.

"Yeah." he says, shifting in his seat. "Why?"

"I don't know, you just seem a little...distracted."

"No, I'm fine. Really."

"Ok." I reply, not sure if I should believe him.

During class, Josh slides me a note.

Had fun at the beach with you and everyone else. Still have the seashell?

I write back:

I did too! and yes, it's on my desk :)

He reads it and smiles.

We go back to taking notes and the bell rings a few minutes later.


after school

"Lacrosse season starts in a month. Are you guys ready?" Malia asks Scott, Stiles and Liam.

"Yeah, definitely." Scott answers.

"Of course." Stiles adds.

Liam simply nods.

The pack is gathered in the library. Scott, Stiles and Liam have just joined us after their lacrosse practice. We're gathered around a table, working on our homework.

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