Chapter 37

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"Come here, come here!" Harry shivered pulling me closer into him underneath the blanket.

When we finished eating, I didn't want to leave yet so he came up with an idea to cuddle in the backseat. Sounds kind of dumb, I know but it was better than home. After eating and drinking all of the coffee I felt so much better. It really helped and my stomach wasn't turning and I didn't feel like throwing up anymore.

He grabbed a blanket that he had in the trunk and threw it around our backs. I brought my knees to my chest as his remained wide open. My arms wrapped around his body and my head rested on his chest while he cuddled me in tightly. It was pitch black in the car and the only lights were the dimmed street lights outside.

"Are you sure you don't want to come to my house?" he asked again.

"Yeah, it's too late anyway." I replied quietly.

"Are you feeling better? Are you still dizzy?" he moved his neck and tilted his head to rub my cheek with the back of his index and middle finger.

"No, I'm fine now." I grabbed the hand that touched my face and held it tightly in mine, "your hands are so warm."

"This is stupid." he chuckled squeezing me to warm me, "you should get in the house before you catch a cold." we were both shivering and trying our hardest to keep warm but it was kind of hard.

"I don't want to!" I whined sadly.

"But you have too." he kissed my forehead and sat up.

"No, stay!" I begged grabbing his arm and pulling him back against the seat.

"Babe, it's almost eleven." he informed.


"Look," he laughed, "you can't even talk without shaking!" he pointed out.

"Ugh, fine." I finally caved.

He opened the door to step out and immediately hugged himself while he waited for me to grab my bag. I hopped out pulling my jeans up higher as it fell and we walked hand in hand to my house.

"It's like a block away, why didn't you just drive there?" I asked pressing my body against his.

"I don't know...I didn't think of that.." he looked away and thought for a minute and I giggled.

"Where are you going after you drop me off?" I asked meeting his eyes.

"Home." he simply said sniffling.

I frowned and looked away and the remainder of the walk to my house was quiet. I didn't want him to leave. Despite all the fights and name calling and the constant aggravation I feel towards him I love when he's around. I'm at my most happiest when he is; and at my worst.

"Did you have fun at the party?"

"I did." I smiled, "It was fun."

"Would've been better if we continued dancing." he smirked.

"I'm sure, Harry." I shook my head with a smile.

"Did you uh...remember who the girl was?" he asked looking down at his feet.

"No." I sighed, "I've been trying to think but I just can't." I was frustrated because it's been bugging me. I don't know why I was so determined to know who she was but I feel like I've seen her before. I just can't put my finger on it.

"Someone from school?" he guessed tracing my knuckles.

"Maybe?" I thought, "I don't know."

"Well, she's not important anyway." he declared.

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