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There were two guards outside the gate to the private quarters. They both smartened up as Kendra appeared. "Is Tarenden in?" he asked.

The guard nearest the door answered him, "Yes my lord, but he is sleeping and has left orders that he should not be disturbed."

Kendra looked displeased. "Call me when he wakes up, I will be in the East garden." He nodded slightly and turned back on himself. Along a long corridor and through some gates he made his way into the East garden. He sat near some fruit trees and picked an apple. A young man saw him and went over.

"Hail Kendra."

"Good morn Prince Lethian, what brings you into the East garden?"

"There is a girl who picks fruit for the King's table and I was hoping to see her."

"But surely you are too young for love?"

"I have 16 years may you know."

"You are still a babe. You should be concerning yourself with learning how the kingdom works so that you can be a good king like your father." Kendra chomped on another apple, he picked another and offered it to Lethian.

Lethian refused, "I shall accept one from Denara's fair hand."

Kendra laughed, "I suppose when one is in love it is difficult to keep one's eye on the kingdom."

Lethian smiled and as he saw Denara enter the garden he went to see her.

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