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so i'm over here reading a rant about kyliekeuetkri jenner from my girl mendessmuffin and then i'm reading the comments and there's this one ignorant girl talking about bruce and saying: "i still say he's bruce because he has the voice of a man." or "and fucking bruce or kaitlyn or whatever in the fuck he/she is."

i was so close to jumping on her in the comments but lemme not

so anyways let me educate her but im not gonna tag her cuz im not tryna get into shit just yet

1. her name is kaitlyn jenner. you don't get to decide her name.

2. whether the kardashian/jenner family calls kaitlyn 'mom' or 'dad' is none of your business and something you shouldn't be worried about.

3. get her gender right. it is extremely ignorant and transphobic for you to say that you still call "him" bruce because "he" has the voice of a man. pronouns are very important for people who are transgender and limiting them to your choice of gender for them is actually very disgusting.

i don't wanna come off as rude or anything and if i did, oh well. i'm so tired of transphobic people getting confused on transpeople's gender and ultimately deciding that because they don't understand it, they get to decide their gender or sex.

disgusting. okay bye.


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