friends and media/politics

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so now that i'm a whole lot more politically aware/correct, i notice my friends being ignorant and just contributing to what's wrong with the world

"and that's not right" - matilda voice

lol anyways yeah instead of laughing along with my friends' jokes about being lesbians or just being an asshole, i'm confronting my friends for being ignorant

but what hurts is that my bestest friend (she's asian), i can see, is really blind to race issues. like once when i was making a sim, she got all excited when i chose hair that wasn't my texture (long, straight, etc), but when i chose braided hair she goes:

"what are you doing to yourself?"

and she always has something to say that's pretty rude about hair like mine but she doesn't know it bc she's clearly being brainwashed by the media that promotes this idea that only long hair is beautiful. and whenever i try to talk about race with her she don't got nothing to say ://

i literally have a white mutual friend that talks more about race/ is more open and actually correct about race than her

and i'm not saying asians have to be politically correct about racial issues, but would you expect ur white friend who isn't even systematically oppressed to actually be more correct about oppression than your asian minority friend?


so today i finally told her the truth and we're still having a convo about something else but i'm being salty on purpose and i can tell that she knows i'm mad which is good.

so basically, we were talking about jobs and i thought this time she would open up about racial issues so i said(i'll be italics, she'll be bold) -

abercrombie kids would be nice if we wanted to model bc the minimum age is 13 but abercrombie mostly has white models anyway so *cutie face emoji lol idk* (yes im aware that they dont have JUST white models but my mom and therapist have been teaching me that and i've seen it especially in abercrombie and fitch so argue with me and i'll drag u so hard down to hell that u will think u deserve to be there)

she goes -

so what if they take mostly whites

i was annoyed because this bitch always has to say so what after i state something but i always prove her wrong and now she wanna go there with race even though she knows black people are struggling?? i said -

 so it's brainwashing people to think that only white is pretty

and they probs wouldn't accept us

but whatever (said this because somehow she never understands it or gets the point)

so find another one then

my friend is typically rude but when she told me to find another modeling agency when i already mentioned race, i was like... hold up. like i was legitimately hurt that she could be such an asshole to say that and yes i am going all out on her i'm mad at this bitch ass 

after like a few minutes i said - 


bc that was all that could be said to this thick-head


this bitch knows what like why are u asking what? that's like asking "what?" after u murder someone in ur family

i didn't think u would agree but fr 

agree to what

i didn't think u would agree when i said that they have mostly white models which brainwashes people to think that only white people are beautiful, which isn't true 

but i also didn't think u would say that at least 

she goes -

i don't think whites are that beautiful

um bitch clearly u do otherwise u wouldn't be such a jerk about this whole situation


i was still raving so i said -

okay so u don't have to be harsh and say: so find another one then

she goes -

i just want a job that would be perfect for the both of us


we're literally both minorities it's not that easy to "find another one" so if u could be understanding or "sympathize" then that would be cool 


then we changed topics but i was still salty lol i'll share some moments, or just the rest of the convo

hey i think i found a job

with what




would working at a hair salon be bad

i mean not really hard probably

how would it be hard

this is where i put her in check for not appreciating all hair types - 

think about it

*confused emoji*

do u even know how to deal with all hair types


so u know how to deal with MY hair



i mean i could just ask them to change what they want

well they're the customers

okay true

and my hair isn't like everyone else's so if i came into the salon and u didn't do it right, i would have to do my hair at home and most of the time, people with my hair do it at home but u cant only think about long and straight hair.

that was one moment. then she was talking about getting a job at DSW and she said -

okay scratch that job about dsw


bc it's in california

oh thats a bummer

she could tell i was being sarcastic i dont say shit like "bummer" wtf

then just now she was like -

i wanna be a model somehow

i said -

alright then go find a modeling agency

i did 

elite modeling

but its like the top modeling company

so u probs won't get the job without training

then she said -

what about a nail company

its so close to where i live

i said "oh" to reassure her that once again, i do not care. she goes -


lol this had me laughing after she said what then i said -

i said oh

because i dont care so

i don't give a fuck ima be salty with her for a year idgaf

that's what she gets for being ignorant and rude to me when obviously knows that race is a "sensitive" topic especially for me 

so yeah if ur my friend and u start getting fresh with me watch and see how quick i treat u like a phone bill collector i do not care


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