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My mom literally does not understand

We're here shopping for dressers and I wanna buy a wide one so i can put a mirror on top or just a vanity and she keeps saying that it's out of her budget and trying to get me to buy the tall ones..

like no

she literally dragged me all the way to this bitch to get a dresser so i could look for what i wanted and now she won't even let me get the fucking dresser i want.

like she's directing me to the tall ones and saying that she'll buy a tall one and put a mirror over it but i can't see over the tall ones. and just a few minutes ago she said that she'd buy it and have to cut off two drawers and put a mirror on top but then she said, "i don't know if there's gonna be enough space for your clothes." and that would look ugly anyways but i wanted a damn mirror so i could do my makeup and put makeup someplace other than a gosh darn bag.

like i feel like crying this is so frustrating and i don't care if i sound like a brat because i am a brat so deal with it.

and all the people at this furniture store are abrupt, rude, rich white people who give you an apologetic smile because they're dumb

anyways after she said there wouldn't be enough space i said "whatever just buy whatever dresser you want to buy"because i mean it's not like this is going in my room anyways.

like i'm literally so done right now she's been so annoying the past couple of months and i don't even want to be around her.

like i went and packed my bags and shit and started leaving and then she made me come back to wash my hair and i was halfway into unbraiding my hair and then she made me go to this shithole where we got an ugly tall dresser

now i have to go back and she has to do my hair and i'm so annoyed i don't want to wash my hair anymore all i've been trying to do is chill. it takes hours to do my hair and i don't want to she makes me do all this extra shit and it's tiring i feel like crying


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