poc speaks hell yeah hell yeah

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i'm in a book!
a real, live wattpad book!
isn't this
okay so, i'm in a wattpad book called poc speaks which was created by zaynftdrake as a community for poc! at first, she made a book called white people things which was basically a hilarious book that lots of us could relate to and laugh about! lol but then some bruja came along @xxhollyrawrxx and made a book called "white and black ppl probs", which she said was, i kid u not, "dedicated to those schizos zaynftdrake and whoever else 'offended' her ppl."

,,, lol what
so anywAYS white ppl things got deleted by shitty wattpad who i sent a raging mssg to(wow praise me) and holly's book was deleted which is gr9. so yeah, i basically sent in a "poem" talking about beauty in america to the author of '!!!poc speaks!!!' and yall should read it!

and read the other chapters and love them bc ik i do


p.s. to all u that think i literally do not understand how to spell my own nickname, 1; go fuck urself, 2: gO FUCK URSELF and 3: actually another nickname of mine is zuz... lol sucks for u xo

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