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lol people tried to get this hashtag trending to lift white people up even more than they are on the racial hierarchy but that shit backfired.

I'm glad it did because now all people! of! all! colors! are finally realizing that race wars need to end.

And can we thank my bby Amandla for calling out Kylie Jenner on her ignorance towards police brutality but love towards appropriating black culture like u the real MVP.

but lol it was funny bc people were putting up pictures of Serena Williams next to white celebrities and they were like: "searching for the it in #whitegirlsdoitbetter."

whICH ISNT HELPING LOL but it was funny bc Serena is bomb asf and then you look at the hashtag and then at Serena and you're kinda just like... oh.

lol anyways


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