A very good point

60 12 0

May 14th
This was meant to be fun



Edmund blinked. "This was meant to be fun." He grumbled.

Peter chuckled. "Oh come on, it can still be fun if you make it fun." He told him.

Edmund frowned. "I'm completely soaked Peter, absolutely drenched, and it's bloody cold too," He muttered. "This isn't my idea of fun."

Peter couldn't help but be amused. "If you really want we can start heading back?" He suggested.

Edmund didn't hesitate to say yes.

All they'd wanted to do was go out and watch the sunrise, which they had managed to, before it clouded over extremely quickly and the heavens just opened, leaving both of them utterly soaked to the bone.

"I'm going home, getting changed and having a cup of tea before I do anything else with my day." Edmund announced firmly, even nodding his head a little for emphasis.

Peter smiled at him. "I might second that actually." He breathed, running a hand through his wet hair as he began leading the way home.

Edmund glared up at the sky after five minutes when he felt a few drops of water land on his face. "I swear if it rains again I'll go mad." He grumbled.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Like we could get any more wet than we already are."

He had a very good point.


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