It was Peter

85 13 4

April 25th
Wake up



Edmund did nothing.

"Hey Ed, wake up, come on."

Edmund stirred at this, groaning at the sudden disturbance.


Edmund sighed. "What?" He whispered, voice croaky.

Peter stared at him for a moment. "You've been asleep for a while," He murmured. "Needed to check you were alright."

Edmund wasn't really surprised by this at all, considering he'd had a brush with death the day before, and so only nodded his head. "I'm absolutely fine." He replied quietly, his eyes still closed as he lay there, buried beneath many blankets to keep away the cold.

Peter nodded a little at this, almost smiling. "Okay." He breathed, sounding relieved, and he most definitely was.

"I am however still exhausted." Edmund pointed out after a moment or two of silence.

Peter patted his shoulder. "Get back to sleep." He breathed. "I'll wake you up again when it's dinner time."

Edmund smiled weakly. "Thanks." He murmured, rolling over and falling back into a deep sleep almost immediately.

Peter just sat there watching him for the next few hours, refusing to move, and when Edmund woke for dinner he wasn't at all surprised to see that his older brother hadn't moved, and part of him was grateful for this, because if there was one person who could keep away nightmares, it was Peter.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now