Don't talk to me

128 17 0

February 3rd
Do me a favour


Peter frowned a little when Edmund came marching out the school gates, hands shoved deep in his pockets and head down, so much so that he nearly didn't notice when he reached his brother.

Peter held out his hands to Edmund's shoulders to stop him from bumping into him, looking confused. "Bad day?" He asked.

"Do me a favour and just don't talk to me." Edmund grumbled.

Peter frowned deeper at this, staring at his seven year old brother for a moment before opening his mouth again. "Why not?" He asked.

Edmund rolled his eyes and just began walking down the pavement, not saying anything.

Peter hurried to catch up with him, and did indeed stay quiet, for about a minute that is. "You want to tell me why you're in such a bad mood?" He said hesitantly.

Edmund said nothing.

"You know I'll get it out of you at some point." Peter told him. "Either that or Dad will."

Edmund sighed, but answered anyway. "The boys at school are jerks, that's all." He grumbled, kicking a stone underfoot.

Peter frowned a little. "What do you mean by that?" He questioned.

Edmund shrugged. "They say mean things and trip you up in the playground." He said quietly, not looking at Peter.

Peter seemed concerned by this, and stopped walking, grabbing Edmunds arm so he stopped too. "Who?" He asked.

Edmund stared at him.

"Who tripped you up Edmund?" Peter asked again.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Jack." He murmured.

Peter thought for a moment.

"The boy in your class." Edmund added.

Peter was shocked.

Edmund just sighed. "Him and his friends have been picking on me for a while now." He admitted.

"Why haven't you told me?" Peter said.

Edmund shrugged. "Dunno." He muttered. "Cause you'd probably do something stupid."

Peter bit his lip. "Well, I won't do anything stupid." He said. "But I will be having a word with him, he's like, four years older than you, he shouldn't be picking on you like that."

"He does it because apparently I'm a baby, I'm always with you and I can't do anything myself."

Peter's blood boiled. "That's not true, seriously don't listen to anything that idiot says." He warned. "Jack's always been a pain in the arse, even the teachers think so."

Edmund smiled a little at Peter's choice in words. "That's one way to put it." He said.

"Don't repeat that though." Peter said quickly.

"I won't."

"Come on," Peter sighed. "Let's get you home and cleaned up."

Edmund frowned, giving his brother a confused look.

"You honestly thought I hadn't noticed the blood on your shorts from where your knees are cut?" Peter asked.

Edmund glanced down, where his knees had in fact been cut open from being tripped in the playground. "Yeah okay." He breathed.

They walked in silence for a moment or two, before Edmund spoke up again. "Can you not tell Mum and Dad about this?" He asked.

Peter looked reluctant.

"Please," Edmund sighed. "They don't need to know."

Peter hesitated. "I won't say anything." He agreed. "But if it gets any worse, I will okay?"

Edmund nodded. "Okay."


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