Not again

93 11 1

March 10th
The right thing


"Are - Are you sure you want to stay?"

Edmund turned away from watching Susan and Lucy leave, staring at him brother for a long moment before slowly nodding. "Yeah." He murmured.

Peter blinked. "Why?" He asked, voice quiet.

Edmund sighed, looking down and avoiding eye contact with Peter. "Because it's the right thing to do." He replied without much thought.

Peter looked worried. "Ed if anything else happens to you-"

"There's no changing my mind." Edmund cut him off. "I've done some stupid stuff since I got here, and I'm not just gonna forget about that. I'm staying to help, because I have to, it's the right thing to do, I'm not leaving."

"And if she comes after you again?" Peter all but whispered, voice cracking.

Edmund swallowed hard, forcing back a shudder at the very thought of being in her grasp again. "When she comes for me again," Because he knew she would. "Whatever happens, happens."

Peter stared at him for ages, before he took a deep, shaky breath. "I - I won't let her hurt you okay?" He murmured. "I promise."

Edmund glanced up at him, heart aching at the sentence, and he had to quickly blink away the tears that welled up in his eyes.

Not trusting himself to speak he just nodded his head, turning back to the leftover food.

"Eat." Peter told him, and he clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer. "You'll need your strength."

Edmund just picked up a bunch of grapes without a single word, slowly eating.

Peter forced himself not to watch him like a hawk, and stared at the grass instead, heart pounding.

Edmund was staying.

There was no changing his mind.

And the Witch was still out there.

She'd come after him, he knew she would.

But he had meant what he said.

He wasn't going to let the Witch hurt Edmund.

Not again...


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now