Just as beautiful

141 17 4

January 21st
Foolish one


"Stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love, that ain't ever gonna come..."



Lucy glanced up as her brother walked into the room, a smile on his face as he straightened out his shirt.

"Hey," She breathed.

"You ready to go?" Edmund asked.

"Nearly." Lucy replied, fiddling with her earrings. "I don't see why we have to go anyway."

Edmund shrugged. "I don't exactly know why, but Susan wants us to, and seeming as we don't see her a lot anymore, I'll take any chance I can to spend some time with her." He said.

"Yeah but still, why a party?" Lucy muttered. "She won't be spending much time with us. She'll be off with her friends, or off chatting with any guy that takes a fancy to her."

"That's a bit dramatic." Edmund said slowly. "I don't think she's like that."

Lucy shrugged. "She's not, but there will be many guys gawping over her." She grumbled.

Edmund hesitated. "Hey, maybe there'll be someone who'll take an interest in you." He said, trying to turn the obviously sour mood around.

Lucy almost laughed. "With Susan there?" She questioned. "Come on."

"Hey, you're just as beautiful as Susan." Edmund argued. "There's no reason why a boy shouldn't like you."

"No boy ever likes me." Lucy huffed, sitting down on the edge of her bed. "It's always Susan they look at, even if they're my age!"

Edmund stared at her. "Lu come on, I didn't think you were the type to be waiting around for a boy." He said.

"I'm not." Lucy sighed. "But it would just be nice that if, for once, someone looked at me and not her."

Edmund thought for a moment, before he went a sat next to her. "Need I remind you what happened in Narnia?" He said slowly.

Lucy froze for a moment, before swallowing hard. "Yeah I know." She whispered.

"Is this because of the argument you got into the other day?" Edmund questioned.

Lucy was quiet for a moment before she nodded a little. "She really annoyed me," She admitted. "I mean, who ditches plans with their sister to go for a walk with some guy."

Edmund could tell how annoyed Lucy was, and that argument had brought up all her previous thoughts and feelings.

"Listen to me okay, you are just as beautiful as Susan. Susan was wrong to bail on you like that. She'll come around. She doesn't hate you. You'll find someone some day. Susan does still care for you, I know she does. And there's no point getting so worked up about this when you can't do anything about it." Edmund smiled weakly. "If you're truly annoyed that the boys always look at Susan, just remember that a confession of love will come, one day, even if you don't think it ever will. But in the meantime, you're beautiful Lucy, you always have been and always will be, never forget that, and please don't forget what happened in Narnia, and remember what Aslan said to you."

Lucy didn't say anything for a while, before she took a deep breath and smiled. "Thank you." She whispered. "And you're right, I'm just annoyed at Susan. But let's just go and try and have a good time."

Edmund chuckled weakly, nodding. "I think we can do that."


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