Turkish Delight

65 11 0

May 8th
You'll lose everything


"Are you absolutely sure about this?"

Edmund said nothing, he barely even heard her.

"You'll lose everything if you go through with this."

Once again he stayed silent.

"You're siblings won't be your siblings anymore, they'll be dead. Is that what you want?"

Her voice was almost an echo at this point, and he wasn't listening.

"You won't be yourself either, you'll lose everything, including yourself. Is that what you want?"

Edmund didn't care.

He only had eyes for one thing and one thing only.

The Turkish delight.

"Would you be that selfish?"

Edmund picked up one of the sweets, staring at it.

"Would you destroy everything with just one bite?"

The answer to that question...

Was yes.


Edmund shot up in bed, gasping slightly.

He sat there for a moment before realising he was in his room, in bed, buried beneath a thick duvet to protect him from the cold.

Running a hand through his hair he flopped back down, sighing loudly as he pulled the cover up to his chin, something he did instinctively and almost without realising.

He hated dreams like that, sometimes they could be worse than the dreams of his days with the witch and the endless torture he had had to endure.

To think he was so willing to throw everything away, to lose everything, made him sick to his stomach.

And it was this reminder that kept him awake for the rest of the night, unable to fall asleep no matter how much he tried.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now