I'm trying

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March 11th
You can't save everyone


"I should've stayed behind."

"You couldn't have done that and you know it."

"I should've helped more people!" Peter cried in reply.

"I watched you Peter," Susan said firmly. "You helped as many people as you possibly could."

"I should've helped more."

"You can't save everyone." Susan told him, dabbing at the deep gash on his cheek with a wet cloth. "You seem to forget that."

"But-" Peter's voice cracked and he had to stop for a moment, swallowing hard. "But what if I could?"

Susan sighed. "That's not something for you to know." She murmured. "You couldn't save everyone Peter, it wasn't humanly possible and you need to realise that. The most important thing is you saved Edmund yeah?"

Peter glanced across the room and over to the bed, where Edmund was curled up, fast asleep under the covers. "Yeah." He choked, hardly daring to think about what would've happened if he hadn't saved him.

"Well there you go then."

"I just wish there was a way where everyone survived." Peter whispered.

Susan nodded. "I know, I know." She replied, her voice soft and gentle. "But sometimes that's just not the way and you need to learn to accept that."

Peter sighed. "I'm trying." He choked. "But it's hard."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now