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January 22nd
I'll come back for you


"You promised we'd go down the park."

Peter turned to face his baby sister,  sighing a little at the disappointment in her bright blue eyes. "I've got school Lu." He said softly, gripping his bag in his hands.

Four year old Lucy didn't look happy at all, and pouted for all she was worth.

"But hey," Peter said quickly, hating that look so much. He knelt down in front of her, grabbing her shoulders and smiling. "I'll come back for you later and then we'll go down the park, that was the plan yeah? Perhaps Dad will come too."

"And Ed and Susan." Lucy said somewhat firmly.

Peter chuckled gently. "And Edmund and Susan yes." He said. "So do we have a deal?"

Lucy nodded a little. "Promise?" She said.

Peter ruffled her hair, grinning. "I promise." He said. "And the day will fly by okay? I'll be home before you know it."

"Okay." Lucy murmured, seeming a little happier now.

"Why don't you go off and find Mum." Peter suggested. "I think she's doing some baking today, you could give her a hand."

Lucy smiled and nodded, running off to the kitchen, Peter chuckling as he watched her go.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now