Everything happens for a reason

82 12 1

May 1st
Forgive and forget


"Ever heard of the saying forgive and forget?"

Edmund sighed and nodded.

"Well then there you go." Peter said casually.

"Yeah but, that's for stupid things. Like when you steal your siblings sweets, or you trip someone up in the corridor, or you say something horrible that you don't really mean." Edmund muttered. "It's not for when you betray your siblings to someone who wants them dead."

"In my book that's exactly what it's for." Peter said firmly. "I've forgiven you, and I want to forget. Not literally, that wouldn't be possible, but it's not something I'm going to think about and bring up every day just to spite you."

Edmund stared at him for a moment. "This sucks." He grumbled.

"What does?"

Edmund shrugged. "You, forgiving me." He murmured in reply.

"Well would you rather I didn't forgive you and just never spoke to you again?" Peter asked.

Edmund stayed silent, swallowing hard before shaking his head. "No, of course not." He whispered. "But I'd deserve it."

"That's not true." Peter told him. "You don't deserve even half of what happened to you, and don't even bother arguing with me because we both know I'll win."

Edmund almost smiled a little at this, but not quite, instead he just lay down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Look," Peter said gently. "Everything happens for a reason, you did something wrong yes, but I'm your brother so I chose to forgive and forget, I just wish you'd accept that."

Edmund bit his lip. "I'm trying." He whispered. "But it's hard when I know what I did."

Peter nodded in understanding. "One day you'll get there I promise." He said softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed and placing a hand on Edmunds shoulder. "I'll make sure of it."


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