One slight problem

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April 23rd
They can hear us


Peter stared at Edmund, who was waiting for his answer after explaining everything to his brother.

He was silent for a while, before he sighed. "Your plan is great don't get me wrong." He said. "There could be one slight problem though."

Edmund frowned. "Which is?" He asked.

"They can hear us."

Edmund just gave him a questioning look.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Susan and Lucy are standing at the end of the corridor, glaring at us." He told him.

Edmund groaned, turning around and indeed spotting his two sisters, who were now walking over.

"No one is getting out of these dance lessons." Susan said firmly. "I don't care whether you want to go or not. Our first official ball is next week and Peter, you still have two left feet and Edmund you just don't even try."

Edmund shrugged. "I don't like it so why would I try." He muttered.

"Because you're good, I've seen you dance before." Lucy said.

Edmund went red, but didn't reply.

"So there will be no more coming up with silly little plans about how to escape and run off for the day," Susan said. "Understand?"

Edmund nodded a little, and Peter couldn't help but smile, highly amused by this whole thing.

"I expect to see you both in the ballroom in half an hour." Susan said, with a slightly amused look on her face that exactly matched Peter's. "Otherwise I'll get Orious to give you both a mountain of unimportant, unneeded paperwork."

Edmund sighed, but he guessed that was most definitely worse than having to learn a dance for an hour. "Yeah okay." He muttered.

"Thank you." Susan breathed, and Edmund could tell she meant it, after all she was extremely excited about their first proper ball, and she just wanted everything to go perfectly.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now