So do I

69 12 2

May 5th
A new hope


"And you're okay with leaving Narnia in my hands?"

Peter stared at the young Prince. "Caspian look, I know we haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye." He said slowly. "But I've accepted now that my time as King is over, and it's not time to pass that crown onto the next person, and that's you."

Caspian smiled a little at this.

"You're a new hope for Narnia," Peter told him. "I know you'll lead it well, and you're what's right for the country. If Aslan approves, so do I."

"Thank you." Caspian said quietly, and he truly meant it.

Got a lot going on this weekend guys sorry for the short ones 😂

A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now