You're clumsy

85 9 0

March 30th
Don't break it


"Don't break it!"

Edmund jumped. "I'm not going to!" He defended.

"I know what you're like." Susan shot back at him. "You're clumsy."

"I so am not." Edmund answered, sounding shocked.

Susan nearly laughed. "Your whole life says otherwise." She muttered, moving the vase away from her brother.

"I'm not clumsy." Edmund said firmly. "And I am not going to break your new vase."

"How about you just don't touch it okay?" Susan suggested. "Or be anywhere near it."

Edmund rolled his eyes before marching off down the corridor, bumping into Peter at the other end.

"You look happy." He said sarcastically. "Did you bump into Susan and her previous new vase?"

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "How'd you guess?" He breathed.

"I've already had a telling off." Peter said, and managed to make his brother laugh a little.


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