Living the life

75 12 1

April 1st
I didn't do it


"Ed where's that paperwork I asked you to go over and sign?"

Edmund frowned a little. "When did you give it to me?" He asked, beginning to look through all the papers strewn across his desk.

"Um, Monday I think." Peter replied. "After breakfast."

Edmund thought for a moment before nodding. "Oh yeah, I remember." He breathed, eventually finding it. "Problem thought."

Peter glanced at him. "What?" He asked.

Edmund held up the papers. "I didn't do it." He grumbled.

Peter frowned. "How come?" He asked.

Edmund sighed. "Sorry, I've just had so much to do recently, must've slipped my mind." He breathed.

But Peter shook his head. "Don't apologise." He said gently. "Trust me I get it."

Edmund gave him a small smile. "I'll do them now okay?" He suggested.

"Dinner will be ready in like, five minutes Ed." Peter told him. "Do them after, it'll only take half an hour."

Edmund nodded, placing them back on his desk in a neat pile. "Don't let me leave them another day." He muttered.

Peter chuckled gently. "I won't, don't worry." He replied. "Come on, let's head down now, the girls are probably already there anyway."

Edmund nodded in agreement, having a quick tidy of his desk. "This is driving me crazy," He muttered. "So much bloody stuff."

"You should see my, to do pile." Peter told him. "It might end up reaching the ceiling by the end of this week."

Edmund laughed. "Living the life eh?" He teased.

Peter chuckled. "Oh you get."

I have absolutely no idea how I have completed three months of this without missing a single day but somehow, by some miracle, I'm still holding on 😂😂

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