Like glue

78 14 1

April 2nd
I was being protective


"You okay?"

Peter glanced up, spotting his sister. "Yeah." He murmured.

Susan stared at him for a moment, walking over to where Peter was just staring out the window. "Are you sure?" She asked.

Peter sighed. "Ed went out for a walk." He muttered.

Susan hesitated. "And that's a bad thing?" She questioned.

"No," Peter sighed in reply. "I just - don't like it."

Susan thought for a moment. She was surprised Peter had let Edmund go off on his own, considering he hasn't let his little brother out of his sight since Beruna. But it had been five weeks since that, and Susan was happy that Peter was relaxing a little now.

"Come on, it's a good thing okay?" Susan told him. "You've stuck to him like glue for five weeks, he needs space."

Peter didn't look at her.

"And before you go off on your "I was just being protective and looking out for him" ramble, I know," Susan said with a gentle smile. "But he's okay, he's just gone for a walk, nothing's gonna happen."

Peter didn't look too sure, but he nodded his head a little, still staring out the window. "I just - don't like not knowing where he is." He murmured after a moment. "It panics me."

"And that's understandable." Susan told him. "But he's not going to go far, he probably hasn't even left the castle grounds, Peter. Don't forget that Beruna and the Witch affected him even more than you. You know what Ed's like at the minute, he's probably sat on the beach because he refused to wander off into the woods alone."

Peter eventually turned to look at her after this, and he couldn't say he disagreed. "You're probably right." He sighed.

"He'll be alright, yeah?" Susan murmured.

Peter just nodded. "Yeah."

And of course, Susan was right.


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