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May 15th
What about us?


"Where are you two going?"

Peter shrugged. "Out." He murmured.

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Out?" She questioned.

"For a walk." Edmund finished.

"And what about us?" Susan asked. "Are we just expected to sit here and do nothing?"

"You wanna come?" Peter asked with a small smile.

"Anything's better than being this bored." Lucy grumbled. "So yes, very much."


"Obviously." Susan replied. "I'm not gonna stay here alone am I?"

"Thought you liked being alone." Edmund teased.

Susan rolled her eyes. "Could say the same about you." She said with a small shrug.

Edmund couldn't deny she was right.

It's nearly midnight sorry guys 😂

A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora