Blame Peter...

107 13 3

February 18th
I made a mistake


"Okay don't freak out."

Susan frowned deeply. "Why would I freak out?" She murmured.

Edmund hesitated. "I made a mistake." He said slowly.

Susan stared at him. "What mistake?" She said, sounding unsure.

"You know that cake you made?" Edmund said. "The one for the upcoming ball?"

"Yeeeees." Susan said. "You haven't eaten it have you?"

"No, no," Edmund said. "Trust me if I'd eaten that wouldn't of been a mistake."

Susan glared gently when Edmund laughed as he said this, causing him to quickly clear his throat and carry on. "It was placed right on the edge of the table okay, and it was Peter's fault really, he was chasing me-"

"Edmund." Susan sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Is my cake on the floor?"

"You could say that." Edmund answered.

"Well it's a yes or no question."

"Well then, er yes." Edmund said slowly. "Your cake ended up on the floor. But I say we blame Peter-"

"I'm not blaming anyone." Susan said, sighing. "But you are gonna help me make another one."

Edmund nodded a little. "Seems fair." He agreed.  "Now, or-?"

"Yes Edmund, now." Susan told him. "the ball is tomorrow unless you'd forgotten."

"No, I hadn't forgotten." Edmund said firmly. "I was just trying to forget."

Susan couldn't help but laugh. "They aren't that bad." She said, leading the way to the kitchen.

"Easy for you to say." Edmund grumbled. "At least you enjoy dancing."

Susan shrugged. "Then just don't dance." She suggested.

"Ha, like that's possible." Edmund laughed. "Lucy always wants to dance if nobody else does."

"And let me guess-"

"I can't say no to Lucy," Edmund finished. "Yeah I know. But in my defense neither can Peter."

Susan chuckled. "You'll have fun." She told him.

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "We'll see." He breathed. "I doubt it, but we'll see."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now