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February 13th


"You look like you're about to fall asleep."

"I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep."

Peter sat down opposite his brother, "That bad?" He asked.

Edmund sighed. "Didn't sleep much last night." He admitted, not really eating the porridge he had in front of him.

"Why not?" Peter asked with a small frown.

"Revision." Edmund told him. "I've got a history exam after lunch."

Peter nodded a little, understanding. "Well, good luck." He said. "But try and get a good night's sleep tonight, you look like you need it."

"I definitely need it." Edmund agreed, giving his brother a small smile.

Peter just smiled back a little, before Edmund turned back to his food.


Peter was confused when Edmund didn't show up to dinner that night, and after a while he went off to find him, checking his dormitory first.

He knocked, but when there was no answer he quietly opened the door, peering inside.

He couldn't say he was surprised when he found his brother all but passed out on his bed, laying on top of the covers, still in his school uniform.

He had a book open across his chest and one arm over his face.

Peter chuckled gently to himself, only now noticing one of Edmunds friends sat on the other side of the room on his own bed.

"He's been like that for an hour." The friend whispered. "I didn't wanna move him."

Peter shook his head. "It's okay." He murmured. "If he gets moved he'll probably wake up, just leave him."

The friend nodded, turning back to his homework without another word.

Peter just glanced back at his brother, making sure he hadn't woken up, before stepping back into the corridor and closing the door.

He headed back down to the canteen, set on saving Edmund some food for when he woke up.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now