Stay in bed

65 11 0

May 11th
It's not gonna happen


"Oh come on, please!"

Both Peter and Susan stared at him, identical looks on their faces.

"The answer is no Edmund." Susan told him.

Edmund glared at them both. "I'm fine though!" He tried.

Peter nearly laughed at this. "If you so much as stand up you'll probably rip the stitches out." He pointed out. "Don't look at me like that, you're the one who refused the cordial."

"Yeah because it wasn't life threatening." Edmund grumbled.

"Well now you have to deal with the consequences of your decision." Susan explained. "You're staying in bed until there's no risk of your hurting yourself."

Edmund opened his mouth to argue, but Peter cut him off. "It's not gonna happen Ed so button it." He said. "You've already scared me enough this week, I don't need another heart attack."

Edmund stared at him, before sighing a little. "Fine." He whispered, but he still didn't look overly happy.

"Just give it a few more days okay?" Susan said, a softer tone to her voice now. "Not only does that wound need to heal, you need to rest. You've had a tough week, just relax Ed, trust me it won't kill you."

Edmund managed to give her the tiniest of smiles after this, and kept quiet too.

"Thank you." Peter murmured.

Edmund could see the relief in his eyes, the relief that he'd decided to stay in bed and not risk splitting his wound open and slowly bleeding out, and nodded a little. "It's okay." He whispered, and after that look from his older brother he needed no more persuading to stay in bed.


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