
453 17 5

January 1st
Happy New Year


"How much longer?"

Peter moved a little so he could see the clock on the mantle piece, nudging a six year old Lucy who was forcing herself to stay awake to see in the new year.

"It's three minutes to midnight." Peter told his little brother, who was sat on the floor, munching on a candy cane that was left over from Christmas.

"Susan. Susan!"

Susan glanced up from her book, nodding at Edmund. "Yes Ed," She said with an amused smile. "I heard."

"Three minutes!"

The four looked up when their Mum hurried into the room, followed quickly by their Dad, who was smiling from ear to ear.

He scooped Edmund off the floor and sat down with him in the armchair, hugging him tightly and making the boy giggle uncontrollably.

"Lucy," Peter murmured to his little sister, attempting to sit her up. "Its nearly midnight Lu."

Lucy rubbed at her eyes, yawning. "I wasn't - wasn't 'sleep." She breathed, stretching and glancing at the clock.

Susan placed her book down and joined her Mum on the sofa, moving the clock a little so everyone could see it.

"You ready?" John murmured to his son, who eagerly nodded his head.

This was probably way too much excitement for Edmund, being allowed sweets this late at night, being able to stay up way past his bedtime, and seeing in the new year, but it was worth it.

"Hear we go."


Lucy perked up as she joined in the counting.


Edmund grinned at his Dad as he shouted the numbers.


Peter glanced around at his siblings, unable to keep the smile from his face.


Helen placed an arm around Susan's shoulder, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.

"1.... Happy New Year!"

They couldn't think of a better way to see in the New Year than them all being together, and happy.


Happy New Year everyone! And let the 366 day challenge begin (help) aha jk 😂

I completed the one in 2022, so let's see if I can complete 2024 😉

(No promises 😂)

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