I missed it last year...

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April 12th
The bonfire


"You coming to the bonfire?" Peter asked, walking into his brother's room.

Edmund laughed. "Duh." He muttered.

Peter couldn't help but smirk a little, knowing the yearly bonfire was one of Edmunds favourite days. "Okay," He breathed.

Edmund shook his head. "I missed it last year and don't intend to do the same again this year." He told him.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Um, you were in bed with a chest infection last year." He said. "I think that's a perfectly good reason for you to miss the bonfire."

"Bloody awful few weeks that was." Edmund grumbled as he pulled on his boots.

"Tell me about it." Peter muttered back.

Edmund blinked at him, rolled his eyes and grabbed his cape. "So are we just gonna stand here talking about my illness last year or are we gonna actually go down there?" He asked.

Peter chuckled a little. "Come on then," He breathed. "Let's go and find the girls.'


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now