His fault

160 15 2

January 19th
Bring him home


Peter lay there, on his back, staring at the top of the cave.

The fire burned beside him, Susan and Lucy were both asleep, the beavers curled up together a little way away, also asleep, leaving Peter alone.

But he just couldn't sleep.

How could he sleep when his brother had all but been captured by someone who wanted to kill them all.

He had no idea whether his brother was alive or if he was dead, and he was quite frankly terrified.

Edmund may be a pain most of the time, and they may not of been seeing eye to eye lately, but he was still his little brother, and he still loved him.

Peter let his eyes slip shut after a moment, swallowing hard.

"Please, please let him be alright."

He didn't exactly know who he was talking to, or thinking this too, but he still continued.

"He's only young, he's just a kid. Please don't let anything happen to him, bring him back, please bring him home."

Peter took a deep breath, trying to force back the tears that had suddenly sprung up behind his eyelids.

He didn't know what to do - there was nothing he could do.

He couldn't save Edmund by himself.

And this frustrated him, it killed him that he couldn't do anything.

All his life he'd tried his hardest to protect his siblings, and look after them, care for them, love them, and now his only brother was in danger, and he couldn't do anything to stop it or even help him.

Running a hand over his face Peter took a deep breath. If he had known all this was going to happen he would've listened to Susan and went back home, she had been right when she'd pinned the blame on him.

It was his fault, who else's fault would it of been?

He was meant to look after his siblings, not let them wander off into danger...

Peter didn't sleep a wink that night, and he was exhausted when morning finally made itself known, but he didn't care.

All he cared about was his brother.

He needed him to be okay.

And he needed him to come home.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now