Watch and Learn

76 12 1

April 3rd
This tastes weird



Lucy hesitated. "You want the truth?" She asked slowly.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "I'd rather that than a blatant lie yeah." He replied.

Lucy nodded. "Okay," She murmured. "Um, it is a good attempt don't get me wrong, we all know you're better at cooking than baking. However, there are good things about it, and there are not so good things-"

"This tastes weird."

Lucy stopped talking and the two looked up when Edmund walked into the room, his plate in hand and staring down at the slice of cake with a frown.

Peter sighed. "At least Lucy was trying to be nice about it." He grumbled.

Edmund smirked. "Ah, let him down gently approach, was it Lu?" He teased.

"Yeah." Lucy breathed.

"Maybe I forgot to add an ingredient or I didn't cook it for long enough." Peter wondered as he flicked through the recipe book to find the right page.

"Or you just can't bake." Edmund chuckled.

Peter gave him a playful glare. "I'll force you to eat the entire cake in a minute if you're not careful." He threatened, smirking.

Edmund placed the plate in the table and raised his hands in surrender. "You'd have to catch me first because I'd be out that front door if you tried feeding me anymore of that stuff." He said.

"Stuff?" Lucy giggled.

"Well you can hardly call it cake." Edmund pointed out.

"You know what, why don't you just leave." Peter said, but he had an amused glint in his eyes.

"Nah," Edmund breathed. "I want a decent slice of cake so I'm gonna help you make another one."

Lucy just laughed.

"Now stand back and watch a master at work."

Peter raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said you were gonna help me." He said.

"Hush," Edmund breathed. "This is my kitchen now. Watch, and learn."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now