Try again

224 15 2

January 3rd
How can you tell


"Ed stop."

Edmund froze in the doorway, taking a deep breath and swallowing hard.

"Come here a minute." Peter said, placing down his pencil and crossing his arms over his chest.

Edmund bit his lip, before sighing and turning around, heading back over to his brother who was at his desk, working on some important paperwork.

He stared at him for a moment, a slight frown on his face that was mostly covered by his rapidly growing hair, he definitely needed a haircut. "Are you feeling okay?"

Edmund had seen it coming, and he immediately nodded his head. "Yeah," He said slowly. "I feel fine, why?"

Peter raised an eyebrow, "Try again," He said. "And this time, maybe don't lie to me."

Edmund blinked, before groaning. "How can you tell?" He grumbled. "How can you always, always tell?"

Peter tried his hardest to keep the smirk off his face, and just shook his head a little. "Because I've known you your whole life," He replied firmly. "I know you and I'm not stupid. You're about three shades whiter than you usually are, and your hands were shaking when you gave me that glass of water."

Edmund swallowed hard, not saying anything.

"So do you wanna try again?" Peter pushed. "Are you feeling okay?"

Edmunds shoulders sagged. "No," He mumbled. "I don't feel good at all."

Peter sighed and stood, steering Edmund towards the door and to his own bedroom. "You should've said something." He said quietly.

"I've got too much to do to be stuck in bed," Edmund told him. "And you've got too much to do to be fussing over me."

"Who says I'm going to fuss over you?" Peter said defensively.

Edmund rolled his eyes. "I've known you my entire life," He said with a weak smirk. "You are most definitely going to fuss over me."

"Would you rather me get Susan?"

Edmund glared at his brother, "No." He muttered, not even resisting when Peter pushed him gently into bed. "Just go carry on with your paperwork."

"I'll carry on with it," Peter said with a nod. "But I'll do it in here."

Edmund had expected this, but he still sighed. "You're an idiot." He muttered.

"Just go to sleep Ed," Peter told him. "Who knows, you might feel better after a long sleep."

Edmund buried himself in the blanket, knowing there was no point in arguing with his brother, so he didn't even try.


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