
88 15 3

February 19th
I'm getting annoyed


Peter sighed.

Edmund grinned.

"Can you please go away?"

"Why?" Edmund said, his grin getting wider, all but laying across the table.

"Because I'm getting annoyed." Peter replied, frowning down at his maths homework.

He and absolutely no idea what he was doing, his brain wasn't working and Edmund wasn't helping at all.


Peter's eyes slipped closed for a second "Because I'm trying to do my homework." He replied through gritted teeth.

"Why?" Edmund asked again.

"Because I have to."


"Because the teacher said so."


"Because she hates us all." Peter grumbled, rolling his eyes at his paper.

She seriously had to hate them, this work was brutal.


"Ask her."


"Cause she could give you an answer."


Peter sighed, looking up at his brother who was just grinning at him. "Go and annoy someone else." He told him.

"... Why?"

Peter groaned. "You aren't going to leave me alone are you?" He asked, accepting his fate.

The five year old shrugged. "I'm just bored." He replied, sitting up and plonking himself in one of the chairs.

"Like I said, go find Susan." Peter said, proceeding to sharpen his pencil even though it didn't really need it.

"She's probably reading some boring book somewhere." Edmund told him with a shrug. "I want to play."

Peter thought for a moment, glancing at his homework and then glancing at the clock hanging on the wall. "Okay," He murmured. "I can spare half an hour, but thats it okay?"

"Yay!" Edmund exclaimed, leaping up.

Peter couldn't help but smile a little as he stood. "What do you wanna play then?" He asked.

"Pirates!" Edmund cried, already running up the stairs to grab the fake sword he had.

Peter grinned and followed him, he needed the break anyway.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now