Bloody wolf...

117 13 2

March 23rd
Not my idea of fun


"Okay, you - you know when I said I wanted to have a fun day out."

Peter sighed a little.

"This isn't exactly my idea of fun." Edmund muttered. "Like this is not my idea of fun at all."

"Yeah no kidding." Peter breathed. "I don't think either of us think being kidnapped by the Witches remaining followers is fun."

Edmund took a deep, shaky breath, shifting slightly against the tree they were both tied to.

"How - How's your stomach?" Peter practically whispered.

Edmund swallowed hard, glancing down.

He could hardly see the huge rip in his tunic thanks to the rope, but he could most definitely feel the said rope digging into the huge, deep scratch he had going across his stomach, and could most definitely see the blood that was everywhere.

"Um-" He coughed a little, wincing. "Not good at all."

Peter didn't like this answer one bit, and reached around to grip his brother's hand. "You'll be okay." He whispered. "We'll get out of here, I promise."

Edmund nodded a little, and then realising Peter couldn't see him because they were both tied to opposite sides of the tree, he took another deep breath. "Yeah okay." He forced the words out - he really didn't feel well at all.

"There's no point in making promises you can't keep."

Peter glared at the horrid little dwarf as he appeared from what seemed like nowhere, and his grip on Edmund's hand got just that little bit tighter.

"You two aren't going anywhere anytime soon so I'd get comfortable." The dwarf hissed, walking around and standing in front of Edmund, who just stared at him.

Peter looked around as much as he could, heart thudding in his chest as he fought to keep his eye on the dwarf, who he had noticed had a dagger gripped in his hand.

"Although I am sure the little traitor is more than used to this position."

All the colour instantly drained from Edmund's face (well, what was left of the colour thanks to the blood loss) and he moved his gaze to the floor.

Peter on the other hand had never been so angry. "Back off." He hissed.

The dwarf chuckled to himself, kneeling down beside Edmund and placing the dagger to his throat, grinning as he did.

Edmunds eyes slipped shut and he pulled his head away as much as he could, pain and fear consuming him, and he was trying so hard not to think about past experiences.

Peter dared not move, he wanted to pull against the ropes securing him to the tree, to try and get free, but they were the same ropes that secured Edmund too, and pulling on them would just pull them further into Edmunds stomach, into the wound which already seriously needed attention.

"Hurt him in any way and you won't live to regret it." He warned instead, voice firm and dangerous.

The dwarf just laughed again, standing up straight, removing the knife and leaning down to tighten the rope.

A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now