I hate you

72 13 1

April 5th
Are you being serious?


"Go away."

Peter laughed. "Nope," He replied. "Time to wake up."

"How about no." Edmund grumbled, burying himself deeper into the blankets.

"Er, how about yes." Peter said, grinning at his brother. "It's 6am, get up."

"Are you being serious?" Edmund groaned.

"No, I'm lying, it's 10pm." Peter muttered sarcastically. "Get up, or I'll drag you out of bed."

"You wouldn't dare." Edmund practically whispered, still half asleep.

"If you wanna try me stay there." Peter told him. "You've got two minutes, if not I'll carry out that threat."

"I hate you."

Peter just grinned again. "I love you too."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now