On one condition

118 13 1

February 1st
We're being watched


Edmund stopped what he was doing, frowning deeply.

Peter stared at him. "What?" He asked.

Edmund hesitated. "I dunno," He murmured. "Kind of feels like we're being watched."

Peter raised an eyebrow. "By who?" He muttered, pulling on his boots.

Edmund just shrugged.

"Well we don't have time to find out anyway." Peter said. "Susan will be up here any minute to get us and I very much don't want to be roped into decorating so can we please hurry and leave."

Edmund chuckled. "Don't worry, I don't want that any more than you do, let's get out of here." He breathed.

They both turned quickly, only to both jump out of their skins when they saw Lucy stood in the doorway.

"Bloody hell." Edmund gasped. "Don't - do that again."

Lucy just smirked.

"You were right." Peter muttered. "We were being watched."

Lucy crossed her arms. "Where are you two off to?" She asked slowly.

Peter hesitated. "Out for a ride." He answered.

"Didn't Susan want your help with decorations?" Lucy said.

Edmund groaned. "Was kind of hoping you wouldn't know about that." He grumbled. "But come on Lu, it's not like it's Christmas or anything, it's not important."

Lucy stared at them both for a while, before she shrugged slightly. "I won't say anything to Susan." She said.

Peter and Edmund both gave her grateful smiles.

"On one condition."

"Oh here we go." Edmund visibly deflated.

Lucy smirked. "I come with you." She said. "I'm not really in the mood to be placing orange leaves all over the place."

Peter sniggered at this, before nodding. "You can come." He said. "And if Susan asks later, we were all called away on very, extremely important business that just couldn't be ignored."

The other two nodded at him, and they quickly left the castle before they were spotted.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now