Day At The Office

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Campbell's POV

"Good morning honey, your coffee is on the counter. Gun and badge on the table by the door." My wife, Shelly said walking up kissing my cheek. "Thank you baby, I'm gonna be a little late coming home tonight so you can put my plate in the microwave." I said grabbing what I needed.

"Now Chris Campbell how many more late nights are you going to put in?" She asked in her thick country accent. "You know the feds are here working on a big case, I can't say much but that lil Ol girl crashing out there on Smith and Roan wasn't any incident." I told her making her eyebrows heighten. Shelly tend to ask too many questions so letting her in on some inside scoop usually got her panties in a bunch. Giving her something she can gossip about with her sisters and ladies at the church, it always bought me time.

"I knew it! You know that's Denise's neice, she was tore up at Sunday service about that." Shelly placed her hand over her heart being her dramatic self. "Okay well don't go telling her anything because this is private. Last thing we need is an uproar when we're still investigating." I told her looking her closely in the eye. "Okay! Okay! I won't say nothing! You just think I got a big fat mouth don't you!" She fussed as I walked behind the counter where she stood. "You said it." I said bracing myself for the hits I knew were coming making her laugh.

"Oh hush!" She said waving me off with the dish towel. "I love you darling, see you tonight." I kissed her making her blush. "Okay. Call me on your break." She said walking me to the door. I nodded my head before leaving out.

I tossed my brief case in the backseat getting in my 1999 Ford Explorer, she ran just as good as any of these new technology cars out here.

Going into the station today I knew I had to figure out where they were holding this Linsey chick. Woo kept quiet and to himself but his partner on the other hand was a chatty box. So hopefully I could use him for an exact location or even just a hint. Following him was too risky and I couldn't have my cover blown like that. This Reggie guy should've finished the job, the car accident set up was priceless but not well executed. Now my ass was on the line and only the good Lord knows what she's confessed and told so far.

Soon, I pulled up to the building finding my spot in the front putting my car in park. Grabbing my things I got out walking through the front doors instantly smelling fresh coffee and pastries.

"Aye! Chris, good morning man. You heard we got a meeting in an hour?" Rookie cop; Cooper walked up to me saying. "Yeah, well what's that about? Some asshole forgot to flush and clog the toilets again?" I asked sitting at my desk sipping from my mug. Cooper chuckled, pulling a chair from a vacant desk.

"That's funny but no. Feds are gonna give us a peak into what they've really been investigating. I heard it's something big." He said excited. Eyes twinkling, ready for action. "Wow. They're including us now. What do you think it is?" I asked making him chuckle and shake his head. "Seriously, I think it's about everything in these last few months. That robbery that lead to bloodshed and this car accident. Now I don't know how the two are connected but hey when we're talking about these drug dealers anything goes." He said shrugging his shoulders and standing up, sliding the chair back to its rightful desk.

I sat in my thoughts as he walked away, speechless. These guys were really going hard and all of this is because of Linsey. The No Name bs has been dropped and everyone chunked it up to bad things happen to bad men. Don't expect for these guys to be too hell bent on finding out who killed a drug dealer and murder. Before the meeting I was going to try to find out some more details about all of this. I stood up from my desk walking over to the Captain's office tapping on his glass window a few times.

He leaned over, grinning once he saw me waving me in with his hand.

"Hey Captain, so there's a meeting I hear." I laughed a little walking up to his desk taking a mint and unwrapping it.

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